Today I am in bed with the FLU! Yuck! I just took the pink medicine and I am feeling better. I am praying that Grayson doesn't get this... Chad gave it to me. He was in St. Louis last week and was sick on Thursday and Friday when he returned home. He is feeling better and is doing a great job of taking care of Grayson and me too!
Yesterday morning we attended a birthday party at Jump Zone for Kendall and Kelsey and we have gone to Jump Zone for 5 parties this year and this was the first time we went and Grayson was crawling every where. It was fun to watch him. He was so tired and took a great afternoon nap.
Grayson has been fussy and he has been drooling like crazy...guess what he got his two top teeth. That makes four teeth for our little guy. I feel bad because I didn't even think of him getting more teeth until he put my finger in his mouth and chewed on it then I realized that he has his top teeth. He is growing up so fast! In less than two months we will be celebrating his 1st birthday!
I took this picture on Friday night and thought it was too cute!
We still have not taken any pictures of Grayson for his 10 month post. I hope to take pictures on Monday. WE will see I have a BUSY week so please pray that I feel better tomorrow.
Have a great Sunday evening!
Here are a few pictures I took during the times I wasn't chasing after him.
I love his jeans and polo shirt! He looks like a big boy in this picture!
Grayson and Kendall (the birthday girl). Grayson loves Kendall. This is his newest thing looking eye to eye at anyone. It is so cute!
Grayson has been fussy and he has been drooling like crazy...guess what he got his two top teeth. That makes four teeth for our little guy. I feel bad because I didn't even think of him getting more teeth until he put my finger in his mouth and chewed on it then I realized that he has his top teeth. He is growing up so fast! In less than two months we will be celebrating his 1st birthday!
I took this picture on Friday night and thought it was too cute!
We still have not taken any pictures of Grayson for his 10 month post. I hope to take pictures on Monday. WE will see I have a BUSY week so please pray that I feel better tomorrow.
Have a great Sunday evening!