Today was a day that I just wanted to be a Mommy! I didn't want to work I just wanted to be with my baby all day! I have a lot going on and feel like I never can get ahead! I have laundry piling up, I have checkbooks/monthly bills to pay, I have to complete our taxes, I have a LONG list of things to complete for work, I haven't been grocery shopping in over a week (which means I have been eating a lot of peanut butter sandwiches), and I have gifts to purchase for this weekend. is never ending!
I am trying to make time for myself by doing the Shred each day and I feel SO MUCH better, but there are nights where I don't sleep because I have a million things going on in my mind. So today I am jealous of all you moms that stay home with your babies. The next several days are going to be BEAUTIFUL here and I am hoping that Grayson and I can enjoy them by going on walks or playing at the park. I am just hoping that he will be awake after school the next few days so we can enjoy one another. I get so sad every night that all I get to do with Grayson is give him a bottle and rock him to sleep, I wish we could spend more time playing. But given the fact that he doesn't sleep at school my little guy is worn out!
Sorry for complaining I have had a day where all I want to do is be a mom!
Here are a few pictures that I took of Grayson before he went to bed for the night!
Love this little guy to pieces!

Tomorrow is another day closer to the weekend and that is something to look forward too!
Don't forget to sign up for the Shabby Apple Giveaway by clicking here! Giveaway ENDS on March 18th, 2011!