Happy Easter!
It is a beautiful Easter Sunday here! The sun is shining!
We went to Easter Service last night and it was Beautiful and a wonderful reminder of the gift we have received from God. I truly feel blessed to have such a wonderful church family. We have met some wonderful people at our church that will always be in our lives. The music and the message from our pastor was AMAZING! After church we went to dinner with the Jolliff, the Linam, and the Smith Family. These people are like family to us and spending time with them is always great and each of them are such great role models for Chad and I.
On this Easter Sunday Chad is doing his honey to do list. He has worked so hard to get everything ready for our upcoming company in the next two weeks and before Grayson arrives. I appreciate all that he is doing. He has re-mulched our entire yard that is landscaped, mowed the lawn, he currently is painting our pergola, and later this afternoon we are planting flowers. I am spending the day doing laundry and cleaning around the house. Tomorrow I have the day off and I have a few errands to run and then I am relaxing. Tuesday I have a baby doctor's appointment and after that my busy week begins with TONS of work to do for WORK! My week will end with Childbirthing Classes on Friday and Saturday. But it will be all worth it because the following week I have some great company coming to see us. I am so EXCITED!
I almost forgot to share with all of you... the glider for Grayson's nursery arrived on Friday. It is everything I wanted and I can't wait to rock Grayson in it. Now we are just waiting for the dresser to arrive.
I hope all of you have a Happy Easter!