Last week on Facebook our church informed all of us that our pastor was planning on discussing What Matters, What Doesn't and I was looking forward to the sermon on Sunday to see what key highlights I could walk away with and apply in my life. I loved the sermon so much that I thought that I would share my highlights.
What Matters, What Doesn't?
Did you know that a lot of the little things in life don't matter?
Life is about seeing how God provides and cares about you!
Life is about what you are pursuing!
What you invest in heaven matters and what you value on this earth does not!
Serving God matters, serving money does not!
God providing for you matters while seeking food, drink, and clothing does not!
Faith matters, worry does not! (this is one I really need to work on)
Today matters, tomorrow does not!
(Don't worry about tomorrow)
Each day has enough trouble of its own - Matthew 7:34
What Matters the Most
The condition of your HEART: whatever your HEART is into is what you value in life.
I love the above statement! This is going to be my area of focus over the next several months.
The Kingdom of God and his righteousness: seeking this will result in all your needs being met in your life.
Whose Kingdom are you seeking? Money? Career? Family? Sports? Personal Empire? All About Me? We all should be seeking the KINGDOM OF GOD!
However many of us have to experience a tradegy in life to learn what matters. So lets stop this cycle and consider what matters in life and know that everything we have today we cannot take with us to Heaven.
Our pastor asked us this question on Sunday and I thought it was great!
What is it going to take for you to come to the place in your life to really learn what matters and what doesn't?