Nine Months...WOW this is all amazing to me that in 4 weeks or less I will see and hold little G. We are so excited for his arrival! As I stated in my last post Chad thinks that Grayson will be born on May 5th. I don't think he will be here until the Week of May 17th. If you haven't voted on when you think Grayson will arrive it is on the right hand side of my blog.
Grayson almost weighs 6 pounds the size of a crenshaw melon and he is more than 18 inches long. At our appointment last Wednesday Grayson's heartbeat was 136, my belly measured at 35 1/2 weeks, he is head down, my doctor estimated that he weighs 5 pounds, and I was 1 CM dilated. All of this is exciting as the end is insight. Even though I am going to MISS all the movements in my belly. I am enjoying the last several weeks of pregnancy by taking it all in, watching my belly more, and relaxing at home with my hubby. We have spent the last several weekends being VERY busy and now it is time to STOP and relax a bit before Grayson gets here. We will see how that goes...Chad is not one to sit around and do much!
Grayson's Nursery is still not complete, but at the moment there is nothing more WE can do. Our dresser is scheduled to arrive May 15th, 2010. Once it arrives we will finish up the final details. The closet in the nursery is completely full and I look forward to the day when everything is organized and put in its place. If Grayson comes before May 15th we will be okay, but I would prefer to have everything done before he arrives. We will see what happens.
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: 36 Weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 15 pounds
Maternity Clothes: I am wearing my maternity jeans and loving them. They are so comfy!
Best Moment this week: My doctor's appointment - hearing Grayson's heartbeat and hearing the news that I am 1 CM dilated! I also had a Prenatal Massage on Saturday (thanks to my husband) and it was AMAZING! I highly recommend it for all pregnancy girls!
Gender: It's A Boy - Grayson Konnor!
Movement: Yes it is AMAZING! The punches, jabs, and kicks are a bit stronger and at times hurt. But it is worth it. I love feeling them and knowing that Grayson is inside of me doing well.
Food Craving: I haven't really had any new cravings.
Honey Nut Cheerios, Dark Chocolate, Cinnamon Bears, Twizzlers, Zone Perfect Dark Chocolate Bars, and Chocolate Muffins from a local bakery in Bentonville. They are so Yummy!
What I miss: Sleeping on my belly and sleeping through the night!
Sleep: The past couple of nights I have slept good. I think that I have been so busy that by the end of the day I have no problem falling sleep.
What I am looking forward to: Relaxing and watching Grayson in my belly over the next several weeks!
Belly Button: In for now, but it looks like it is going to POP out! However I did find out that both my sister's belly buttons did not pop out.
Symptoms: I am still extremely tired by the end of the day and I have had stronger contractions throughout the day. This past Friday I had them throughout the night and it was VERY uncomfortable!
NEXT WEEK I will be FULL TERM... WEEK 37 here we come!