This weekend Chad and I went to the Ramsey's home to spend some quality FUN time with them. We arrived in Bee Branch Arkansas around 8:30PM on Thursday night and we had dessert and played a few card games. Than it was off to bed for our next few busy fun filled days. On Friday we started the day with a late breakfast than we headed out to Petit Jean Mountain. On the way to there you would never believe what we saw... a ZEBRA in the middle of the road. I tried to quickly take a picture but I was only able to get the tail end of the ZEBRA. How crazy a Zebra in the country side of Arkansas.

It was a warm summer day in Arkansas and the hike was a bit misty, but the view was beautiful!

That evening Mary made a wonderful home cooked meal and we all played cards for the remaining of the evening. Mary and Chad enjoyed playing cards on Friday and Saturday night/morning until 3AM. Crazy... but they both are very competitive(in a fun way) and loved playing best out of three in Phase 10. The main reason we went to Bee Branch was to join Mary and Greg in Little Rock for the American Idol Summer Tour 2009. Yes we went to the AI Concert. It was amazing and beyond my expectations. If you are thinking of going you won't be disappointed. I took some great photos and a few videos (not the best quality) but worth looking at if you want a little taste of the concert. Adam was amazing and a true performer. Kris should feel very proud of himself and he performed well for his home town.
A BIG Thanks to Mary and Greg for the tickets and the WONDERFUL MEMORIES!
It was a great visit with the Ramsey's and I am never disappointed when we go to their house as they take such great care of us. I did get a special birthday present from Mary, it means so much to me that she thought of me and got me a very special gift that I need more than anything.
These bracelets are beautiful and when I read the saying on one of them it made me cry. Here is what it says May your days all be blessed with the presence of an angel watching over you. I have had a few tough weeks as I was 11 days late from starting my monthly cycle and I thought that I might be pregnant so over the past 11 days I have some great highs and some great lows and Friday was one of those great lows when AF finally decided to make her appearance. I have never been late and I just knew that this was my turn I was finally going to be pregnant. While that was not the case. I am not pregnant once again! I was extremely happy that I was in the presence of Mary as she just knows how to lift my spirits and the gift was so simple, but very special. I am still sad and unhappy that I am not pregnant and AF is here, but I just have to continue to get through each day and know that my day will come soon. It is hard as I approach my 30th Birthday in a few days and my biggest dream has not come true. I sit here wondering how am I going to get through that day? On that day it could be a great day or it could be tough... I wish I knew how the day will go. Thank every one for your continued love and support through my journey to become a Mommy.
On a happy note Bella had a fun weekend with her sitter the Dabocco Family and this is where she was most of the afternoon... she was so tired. They left us a sweet note that said, Bella learned to ring a bell at their house on the front door to go outside. How cute!
Finally question to all bloggers I am trying to upload a video from the concert and it is taking forever. Any ideas out there?

That is so cool you got to go to the American Idol concert! I have always wanted to do that..I am a huge Idol fan!
Hi my sweet friend! First, I am so jealous you guys played some Phase 10. I am still wanting the "Master" addition so I can begin practicing with my Chad so I can beat the pants off yours, hehe! My Chad is also very competitive as well. It's fun! The American Idol pics were adorable. You looked beatiful as always. I wish I could have gone! I heard great things from a ton of people I know that went! The bracelets from your friend were precious. Isn't it neat to get gifts that have special meaning? That really touches me! I am wanting a Pandora bracelet that you add charms to for each event of your life!
On a lighter note, I am sorry that "AF" came to visit. I sat here trying to figure out what that was and finally made sense of it. Im a little slow. You know, sometimes people have periods still and are pregnant.... I know a girl that was 6 months preggers and didn't dream of it because she was still having her period. Continue to have faith through the midst of this storm... Try to remember the positive because God is there holding your hand. He doesn't want us to not have our dreams. He knows your every desire and wants to fulfill them... and he will! I know your time is coming.. SOON! I pray in Jesus' name daily that he will fulfill your desire to have children. And so does my parents! We love you and are here for you through this life long journey and hope to grow with you through both good times and bads! We love you!!!
Ashley (and Chad) ;)
Happy Birthday Week to you Melissa! I am so happy that you were with Mary during the low period of last week. You are very blessed to have such a positive women in your life that can lift your spirits when it is needed. The bracelets look beautiful and meaningful. Thank you for sharing the pictures of your fun weekend and for sharing your thoughts in your blog. I am here for you always. Love you and can't wait to see you and Chad.
so i am stalker from kelly's page (where else?!) but i kinda know your hubs, i was a buyer in apparel at wm :) anywho i digress.....i've been reading for a few weeks now and just wanted to let you know that i have been praying for you, i have no idea what it feels like to go through what you are going through, i just know what it feels like to love my child....and to think that some have difficulty conceiving is very heartbreaking.
:( so i will continue to pray for you and i know He hears me along w/ many others that are praying for you. keep the faith!!
About the video- try using this website I use it on my own blog if you want to check it out. It still takes a bit to upload but super easy to cut and paste in Blogger. Just change the setting to HTML on the top right of the blog box. Works like a charm. Hope it works for you.
Good Luck with everything. I just finally got pregnant with our second child after months of fertility medications.
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