So I am reaching out to all my Texas Followers to ask a few questions! Today on Oprah they highlighted the Biggest State Fair In America which is in Dallas, Texas and the first thing they highlighted was all the FRIED FOOD. I was completely AMAZED!
Fletcher's Corny Dog
I don't think I would try this because one I hate hot dogs and corn dogs doesn't sound any better.
However these corny dogs have been served at the state fair since 1942 and for the locals it is a must get!
Fried Butter
So just the thought of this makes me think about all the FAT. Has anyone tired this new creation? What was neat the founder Abel Gonzalez was able to quit his 9-5 job and only fry food three weeks out of the year.
The other times he works on creations such as the Fried Butter.
Fried Peanut Butter and Jelly and Banana
This is a Fair Favorite and I think I will pass I don't think peanut butter, jelly and banana work together. Has anyone had this at the Fair?
Deep Fried Peaches and Cream
Not to sure about this dessert, what are your thoughts?
Funnel Cake
Not a fan. But someone in our house secretly loves funnel cakes. Don't tell his personal trainer.
Fried Grilled Cheese
So far this is really the only one that I would try! I love Grilled Cheese Sandwiches!
Chicken Fried Bacon
I have never heard of this and I might try it if I had too. But I really am not a big fan of fired food!
Fried Coke
No thanks I don't like Coke but this is a first. I have never heard of this...have you?
Fried Guacamole
Sounds interesting I would probably have my hubby try it first before I even put anything in my mouth.
So as you can see by my personal comments I am not a big fan of Fried Food, however I was very interested in what was at the State Fair and was wondering if any Dallas Followers tried some of these fried foods?
I am extremely picky when it comes to food and I don't explore much when it comes to food. So I hope that I didn't offend any of you that love these foods.
Are there any other Fried Foods that I missed?
Happy Monday!

they looooook so good
after i eat all that, i need a week work out lol
We skipped the fair this year but last year we had a fried smore...HOLY MOLY. Sooooo yummy! It sounds pretty terrible but it was fabulous. I know a lot of people who tried the fried butter this year and loved it. They said it was a little buttery doughball...not my "cup of tea" but I definitely would have tried it if I went to the fair this year!
YIKES!! I am not a huge fan of frid food, and it didn't look very yummo to me! ;(( I am more of a grilled gal!
Im curious to hear what all the Texans say! =)
We do somethings but not all. I love the corn dog! I do like the fried PB&J too!
well you know what my feelings are on the fried food, yucky!!!
I'm a Texan and I have been to the State Fair a number of times. I LOVE the corny dogs and the funnel cakes are pretty good but I have never tried any of the other stuff! The lines are really long, too, so unless you have a hankering for one of these items- you can pretty much skip 'em!
I am a Texas girl and in reading your post I realized the rest of the world may not have corn dogs- seriously, not at Sonic? Wow! I have had fried pickles, Oreos, Snickers and cheesecake and they are all wonderful. The butter sounds like a greasy mess that would burn your chin!
After I graduated HS I lived in Houston, TX for a few years! I did go to the State fair and I loved the corny dogs and funnel cakes! I wouldn't even try the other stuff though! I was really scared of the whole fried butter PP&J creation! The fair is super fun though!
Summer :0)
The corny dogs: AWESOME!
The fried butter: I hear 9 out of 10 cardiac patients reccommend it.
Fried coke: I don't even like hot coke, so I couldn't imagine liking it.
On your list---things I'd actually eat: funnel cake & the corny dogs. I may be tempted to try the grilled cheese...
All the fried everything at the fair: it's crazy! They even have maps of all the fried food locations (what's fried & where) on the fairgrounds. Wild.
Oh! and I heard that the fried butter tastes like a really buttered biscuit. That makes it sound...well, not AS gross!
I'm with you...I don't really like fried foods all that much, so most of these don't sound really good to me. I do like funnel cake though! I might try some of them though...just to say I did when I was at the fair!
I'm Texas born and raised and I love the Fletcher's corn dogs. They are so yummy!!! That's the only fried food I'll eat at the Fair. I will say that my son is alot like you, he will not eat the fried foods (which is a good thing). His favorite food is the roasted corn on the cob.
Yikes...better order an angioplasty with that stuff. ;)
The corny dog is the best thing you will ever put in your mouth! I'm from the Dallas area and have gone to the fair a number of times since I was little. Corny dogs are number 1 in my fried foods! Not too sure about the butter...LOL you might as well just slap in on my hip, that's where it's going anyways HA!
Being from Texas, and going to fairs often.. I Love me some funnel cakes and corn dogs, its one of the best parts of the fair... But all the other fried stuff their coming out with, eekekkk. Like fried oreos, eww!
The corn dog is a MUST HAVE!!! So good!!! And well worth the money!!!
The fried coke was terrible!! All it is, is batter with coke syrup put in it then deep fried and then they pour more coke syrup over it...YUCK! Not a fan!
Fried pickles and oreos were good too!
My favorite was the fried cheese cake!!! SO yummy!
I'm not a big fan of fried foods either, but corn dogs are actually really good!! It's funny, we seem to have different fried foods at the fair out here in Cali! Fried zucchini, fried snickers, fried smores, fried Krispy cream chicken sandwiches (nasty!), fried choc bacon...not my cup of tea, but people seem to like it!!
The corn dogs are to die for. The other off the wall kind of stuff, I'm not always on board with. I heard the butter was great, but really just tasted like a bisquit with butter on it and wasn't that buttery and gross like you would think. I also heard a report that the peaches and cream were not all that great. I have it on good authority that the chicken fried bacon is the best of Abel's inventions.
I am new to your blog but I wanted to tell you I am from Texas and the food at the fair is the best you an never have anything that is as good as fair food. YUMMY !!!! I love a good friend corn dog and some mustard it is the best.
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