day 05 - love to hate
subject: Grayson and his Wubbanub Paci
it really is a love to hate relationship with Grayson's paci. Right now I love it because Grayson is able to find his Wubbanub paci and put himself back to sleep most nights and during naps. Chad is not a fan of the Wubbanub, especially when we have it out in public. He would rather we have it at home only! But Grayson has become attached to the Wubbanub pacifiers.
I am sure in the near future I will "hate" the fact that Grayson has a paci because it will be a hard habit to break I am sure. But for now it helps and I will take it!
day 06 - who THEY love
subject: Grayson and Bella
I think that I have said this before on my blog, but Grayson loves Bella! He is always looking at the ground to see where she is when I am holding him. When he wakes up in the morning or from a nap and he hears Bella he is searching and looking every where for Bella. It is really cute! When Grayson finally sees Bella he gets so excited and smiles and laughs.
Today I put them together in Grayson's Play Room to take a few pictures. Bella is not quite sure what to think of Grayson, but I was very pleased with Bella on how gentle she was with Grayson. My wish for them is that they become BEST buds over the next several years. I can't wait to see Grayson with Bella when he is crawling every where! Watch out Bella is what comes to mind because I think Grayson will be all over Bella.
Have a Great Week and I am hoping for NO MORE SNOW!