the joy of love post for day 10 is Space - where they are comfortable
subject: grayson and his crib
Grayson loves sleeping in his crib. This is the only place he will nap and sleep at night. It makes it hard when traveling, but after a few days he does adjust. Because he loves his crib so much I think this is one reason he does not sleep at school. But to be honest I would rather have a baby that wants to sleep in his crib than not!
Grayson has to have his paci, sleep sack, and a blanket to sleep. These are the things that make Grayson comfortable in his space. He naps best with all of these items.
I am so proud of Grayson he is napping so much better during the day when we are home and when he naps good during the day he sleeps so much better at night... meaning he only gets up once instead of two or three times.