First I would personally like to say THANK YOU to the person that left me a comment to share a blog with me today. It is so nice that in the Blogging Community that we can all support one another so tonight I ask you to please pray for this sweet family.
Kellie is the author of this blog and she reads my blog along with several of my friends blogs. So please take the time to read her blog and hear her story.
Kellie and her husband lost their baby girl Maddie at 4 months on February 17th, 2011 while she was being cared for by a babysitter. Just the short time I have read through her blog I feel the NEED to help Kellie and give her a BIG hug! I can't imagine what she is going through each and every day. My heart hurts for her and I would like more than anything if you would reach in your heart to pray for Kellie and if you are able to help you can by going to an Auction that begins tomorrow Monday, February 28th, 2011 at 12PM. ALL MONEY RAISED WILL GO TO THE STAAT FAMILY. Kellie's greatest desire is to be able to stay home in the future and she is exploring the world of becoming a Natural Light Photographer.
Thank you for taking the time to read this post. They did not ask me to write this post I felt in my heart that I needed to share Kellie's story with all of you.