Sometimes I don't realize how much strength my husband gives to me each day. I am having a case of the Monday Blues. Chad is gone again for another Business Trip to San Francisco and I just want to crawl in bed until Wednesday night when he returns home. Oh it is hard lifting myself up each day and for some reason today is one of those days where nothing is going right. I am so behind in work and I hate having to depend on others to get my job done. First my day started with a program that I work with each day is VERY SLOW and no reports came back until mid-afternoon. Which put me behind all day and I felt overwhelmed with all the details that needed to be completed today. But they are not going to be completed today, some of the details will have to wait until tomorrow. I don't plan on working through the night to get these details completed. I need a break and a much needed Spiritual Walk with my dog Bella. I will post about my Spiritual Walks tomorrow. (JUST CASE YOU ARE INTERESTED) Second my husband is gone and I am left home alone for a few days. Oh and did I mention that I think I am feeling a bit depressed as life is not working out the way I want it too. Oh if I can only be STRONG. Hopefully my walk later will help! Don't worry all this will pass and I will be back to normal it is just how I feel some days.
Oh I am so glad tomorrow is not Monday. I hope that my Tuesday is better than my Monday. Any other bloggy friends feeling this way today?