Our family is facing difficult days ahead as we ultimately know that in a few days Grandpa Faraway will be gone and he will be free from pain and suffering. Currently Grandpa is comfortable with pain medicine and there is nothing more the doctor's can do for him. Please keep my family in your prayers as we all say our final good-byes. I will remember my Grandpa the most by always wanting to tickle me as a little girl, I think he secretly wanted to hear my laugh and see me smile. We love you Grandpa!

Praying for you and your family Melissa. I've said goodbye to 3 out of 4 of my grandparents in the last 9 years and it has been so hard. I miss them all still.
Thinking of you and your family during this difficult time.
I sang this song at church a few months back and I have to say, it was one of the most powerful times in my life. It is an appropriate song for this thime in your life. Even though you may be falling apart, hold on to God, He will be there every step of the way in the next few wekks while you and your family heal. Lean on Him during this difficult time. Just think, you will be anle to see your grandpa again in the presence of our Lord. How amazing is that? My heart is with you and I will be praying for your grandpa and for your family.
I just lost my Grandpa last month and understand what you are going through. My Grandpa was my last grandparent to leave this earth and that made it especially difficult.
Make God comfort you and and your family during this time. Praying for you.
I lost my grandfather 5 years ago, it was one of the hardest days of my life-I personally took it very hard-so I understand the hurt that you are going through-Please know I am praying for you and your family through this time. I wish I was near you to give you a GREAT big hug!!! Love you sweetie!
Beautiful said Melissa, I am hoping Mom reads your posts the last few days when she sits down and takes it all in. I am sure your words will comfort her and make her cry. Thanks for sharing this song, it is so beautiful and probably has more meaning to you with all you face each day with your life. This song has so many different meanings. I love you.
I lost 3 of my grandparents in the last 18 months. It has been hard. Last year at this time my grandma passed away. I flew home to Montana to be with her in her last days and your grandpa's story sounded so familiar to ours. I read through your posts and I see that you've had a lot going on. Beautiful new life... and sadly, life here on earth ending. I will be praying for you and for your family as you adjust to having your grandpa with Jesus. Exciting for him and so hard for the people left that miss him. I saw this on a blog the other day and It really impacted me:
Perhaps He knew, as I did not, that the Earth was made round so that we would not see too far down the road.
-Out of Africa
p.s. Forgot to answer your question, I'm from Baker =)
I'll be praying too! I've said good-bye to both my grandpa's...it's so hard! I'm so thankful I get to see them in heaven though! :)
I lost my grandma 9 months ago to cancer and as sad as it was to watch her pass I am glad I was with her and I am so glad she is pain free dancing on the streets of Heaven... we have the hope that we will see her again... praying for you and your family Melissa!!
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