Awhile back I asked all my blog followers to give me there opinion on wallpapering our powder room or to not wallpaper our powder room. You can see that post here. Well we have completed the remodel or lets just say redecorating our powder room and I thought that I would share the end result with everyone. I hope you all like what we did and now for the reveal.

We painted the walls a dark gray color and wallpapered one accent wall with the Damask print and finally added red accents. I love how it turned out. What do you think?
Please continue to pray for Drew to get better. He went on a Nebulizer Machine yesterday and is still struggling with his breathing and keeping his medicine down. Amie and Drew are going to the Dr. again today to address her concerns and hopefully DR. D will give her a peace of mind that Drew is getting better. I hope that Drew gets better soon we don't like seeing him sick at such a young age. We love you Drew get better soon!

I LOVE your powder room! Great job. You should put it on Rate My Space.
Hugs to little Drew and Amie. Hope he feels better soon!
I LOVE the room! It's beautiful!
I'll be praying for's so hard watching someone so young in pain. My best friends baby had surgery yesterday and is going in for his second open heart surgery in a couple weeks. He turned one yesterday. My heart was breaking in the hospital yesterday watching it all play out. they are so tiny, sweet and innocent at that age...I'll be praying for little Drew! :)
I love your powder looks great!
Praying for baby Drew!
Oh HOW CUTE is that?!?! Love it :) I think I should hire you to come do mine since I move in next Friday!!! Are you up for a quick road-trip?!? ;)
I will be praying for Drew. Thanks for the update.
Have a fabulous weekend!
The bathroom is AWESOME!! Love the red frames! You really should be a decorator!
Praying for Drew!
Hi Melissa, I love the powder room! I am glad you decided against wallpaper, it looks beautiful without it, plus it's a lot easier if you ever want to paint it again! I having been praying for Drew, I hope he gets better soon.
I love the black wallpaper with the gray walls!! I am not normally a fan of wallpaper but LOVE this!
I love the powder room, it looks absolutely fabulous! You did a great job...the wallpaper is so pretty. I will have little Drew in my prayers for sure!
You home is so beautiful. What wouldn't give for a home like that! Some day! :)
I will be praying for Drew until he gets better honey.
I LOVE bathrooms! I know that sounds weird! I absolutely DETEST wallpaper! Your bathroom remodel is GORGEOUS! The color combo is so great and the wallpaper is BEAUTIFUL! You have made me rethink my opinion of wallpaper!
Will keep your nephew in my prayers!
Love your blog. I love the bathroom! We've been in our house for four years and our powder room is still plain old white.
Praying for your nephew!
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