We had our first baby appointment on November 3rd, 2009. I was a bundle of nervous because I just wanted everything to go well. Our appointment was about 2 hours long as we had to answer a complete medical history for both myself and Chad. After all questions were answered it was finally the time to hear the babies heartbeat. I had no idea what to expect I just enjoyed the moment hearing our baby's heartbeat for the 1st time. It was amazing how fast it was, I was in shock and felt like I shouldn't breathe during the entire time we listened to it. Our baby's heartbeat was 168. After hearing the heartbeat I relaxed a bit more for the remainder of the appointment. I got to meet my new doctor (Dr. M) and I think she is going to be great and I look forward to getting to know her over the course of the next 6 months. Our next appointment is December 4th, 2009. The only thing I forget to do was take a picture of Chad and I at our first appointment. Oh well I will have to try at our next appointment. I look forward to that day!
I received a few questions since annoucing our pregnancy and so I thought that I would answer a few of them.
Are we going to find out the sex? Yes we will we are both planners and must know so we can get everything prepared for the day he or she arrives.
Are you going to stay at home after the baby is here? Actually since I work at home most of the time I plan on staying home and working too. Eventually we will have our son or daugther attend daycare.
How have I been feeling? I was sick almost all day for about 5 weeks and than during week 11 and 12 I started having great days with a few bad days during the week. This week (week 13) I have felt okay, I just have had a sore throat all week, but I am hoping that during week 14, which is next week, I will feel great. But if not I will take it, I have waited two years for these moments. I am living in the moment each day and loving it!
A few Pregnancy Notes
1. I love Rice Krispes - I have them every morning for breakfast and if nothing sounds good for dinner that is what I have!
2. I don't like chocolate at the moment - I really wonder if that will change... I loved chocolate prior to getting pregnant I would choose chocolate over a meal any day.
3. I like bland food options such as toast, cereal, crackers, pretzels, and grilled cheese.
4. The only drink that sounds good right now is water, I don't even drink my daily glass of chocolate milk.
It will be very interesting to see what changes over the next several months.
Everything is starting to feel real with this pregnancy as the secret is out and everyone now knows! I am excited for the months ahead and I had a great week sharing the news with all of you. Thanks for stopping by all week and leaving me sweet comments or sending me emails. Have a great weekend!

HOW FUN!!! I can't imagine NOT LIKING chocolate!! That is the only caffeine I allow myself when I am pregnant :) I LOVE CHOCOLATE!! So excited for you!!
Congratulations! I have prayed for you all for so long. It took us two years to get pregnant as well and I am 21 days away from my due date. I had told my husband about you all before, which I refer to you all as the couple we stole the Powder Room paint color from, so it was so great to share the the great news with him! It has been fun reading about all of the announcements. I cannot wait to hear more new about baby! Take care of yourself!
I remember hearing Kelcee's heartbeat for the first time!! There is nothing in the world like it!! I am soooo excited for you and we don't even know each other!! I can't imagine not liking Chocolate!! I'm sure that will change!! Take care of you and I can't wait to hear more baby news!!
Summer :0)
Hearing the heartbeat for the first time is just so awesome, huh? I felt the same way with all three of my pregnancies. I am so looking forward to my next appointment which is in less than two weeks, where we'll hopefully find out what we're having! :)
P.S. I was shocked to read that you aren't even drinking your daily glass of chocolate milk. I remember you saying how much you love your chocolate milk!
I'm so happy for you!! I look forward to those appointments every time I go to the doctor...hearing my baby's heartbeat is like music to my ears! :)
Congratulations Melissa!! I have been reading your blog for a few months and am so happy for you! I am excited to hear more about the baby! Have a great weekend!
Congrats Melissa and Chad!!! I'm bet your having a girl, because of the fast heartbeat- either way how exciting!!
Thank you for sharing about your first appointment! That sound is one I never got tired of hearing. What a beautiful song to a mothers ears!
It's so funny how pregnancy effects your likes and dislikes food wise. With both boys I craved chocolate milk like crazy. With my oldest it wasn't JUST chocolate milk but ANY milk. Since I was pregnant in the summer I ended up having a method that looking back sounds crazy. I would put the gallon in the freezer at bedtime, knowing I would wake up at about midnight and it would be the perfect thick and cold consistency. Oh and it had to be whole milk...no 2% or skim! And I wonder why I gained 75 lbs!!! LOL
P.S. I am so glad to hear you are still exercising. It's so good for you and Baby!
I read Ashley's blog and love her!! I am good friends with Lane and that is how I found her! I just wanted to write you to let you know when I read your blog I cried!! I am so excited for you and I don't even know you:) Congrats on your news and I am with you finding out is important because I am a planner too!! I will pray for you during this pregnancy!!
So glad the appointment went well!! Isn't hearing the heartbeat the most amazming thing ever?! Hope week 14 is better for you, too...that is when I really started to turn the corner. :)
Congratulations! I found your blog through Kelly's Korner and have stopped over a few times here and there to check your updates on your journey to be parents. I am so happy for you! What a blessing! Hope you start feeling well soon. Enjoy every minute of your pregnancy. It is such a special time!
When I was pregnant, I looked forward to each appointment to hear the baby's heartbeat! It is so amazing!
Congrats! So happy for you!!!
I came over from Kelly's blog! CONGRATS ON YOUR NEWS!!!!!!!!!! I know that this miracle will be used in Mighty Ways to praise Him! We are waiting on ours...but know it will come!
Congrats!! What a miracle! I'm due in May as well!
I just popped over from Kelly's to say congratulations on your happy news!
Enjoy these exciting days as you anticipate an addition to your family...take care...Joyce
CONGRATS!! I'm so happy for you guys. When I was pregnant with Brayden I lived on dry toast and on a good day, some peanut butter. Later? Cereal! Cereal for dinner got me by so many times. I can't wait to hear more and celebrate with you via blog land. YEA!!
Congratulations! I found you through Kelly's Blog. My husband and I are pregnant as well, and are due May 2010. So it looks like we'll be pretty much neck and neck throughout this :)
I can TOTALLY relate to how nervous I was for the first appointment to hear the baby's heartbeat. Now, everything seems to be going a-okay and I am officially 16 weeks today.
Congratulations again!! What an answer to prayer!
I found your blog, through Kelly's Korner. What an amazing story!!! What a great testimony of God's provision and blessings! Congrats!!!
Melissa--I am sooo excited for you!!! I found your blog a few months ago! I too am pregnant after seven years, two adoptions and now our miracle complete and utter surprise baby!!! I am so excited to follow your journey!!! I am due in April so it is fun to be in this together! --(although I am not a good blogger! --trying to get better ;)
Sorry enough about me --so so so so so so HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!! :)
I just found your blog via Kelly's - CONGRATS!!
Congratulations!!! Love your story! I am praying that your baby is healthy and strong and you have a fun and easy pregnancy! :) I have a giveaway on my blog, stop by so you can win in case you have that baby girl! :)
I am so happy for you! It's so funny hear how pregnancy affects everyone's cravings so differently! I love reading about all of your first's, enjoy them! :)
HA! I couldn't eat chocolate when I was at your stage either!!! Now I am at 19 weeks and it sounds pretty good again. But I did NOT like water! So weird...all of it!
Hey Melissa I'm Stacey from southern NJ and I'm over from Kelly's blog, I read your story on how you all found out the exciting new that your were expecting! Thank you for writing!! It just is another reminded and proves how absolutly AMAZING the God we serve is and that he still preforms miracles every day! I'm adding you to my pregnancy pray list and hope you continue to feel well and enjoy every second of this amazing journey to motherhood!!! God Bless you and your family!!!
Sending Prayers and Blessings,
It couldn't have happened to a more deserving person! Congrats!!!
congratulations!!! i found your blog a couple of months ago and was so happy to read the news!!! enjoy your pregnancy, it may seem like forever but they go by so fast!!!!
I came across your blog from kelly's and I just wanted to say Congrats!! Hearing your baby's heartbeat is one of the best experiences ever.
May 2010 must be the miracle month ;) My husband and I had troubles as well due to male factor infertility. We were advised a varicocele repair would be the best option for us. We decided to put off TTC until the surgery was done and a few months passed but God had bigger and better things in store for us! About a week after my husband's surgery I started spotted...and 5 days after that, out of frustration that my period was late, I got my BFP!!! So, we convceived BEFORE his surgery! Talk about a major shock. God is good!!!!! We're due May 20th :) Yay to May babies! :)
Check my blog for details:
Melissa - I have been keeping up with your posts about the pregnancy & they make me SO happy!!! I love how you told everyone - what a great idea! I am sure you are still just beaming - It is just wonderful!
I am glad that your first appt went well and that you were able to hear the heartbeat - isnt that just the best??!!! I remember hearing Emma's for the first time - I was the same as you - I think I held my breath the entire time!!
I will be thinking and praying for your pregnancy - cant wait to hear more about that miracle baby of yours!!!
so excited for you and an answered prayer....I have been under a tree and doing very little blogging...so this was such a sweet surprise to read.
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