Don't you just love listening to music? I enjoy listening to music when I workout, when I take Bella for a walk, when I am working at the office, when I am cleaning the house, and when I am driving. When do you listen to music? What type of music do you enjoy listening too? I would love to add some new songs to my iPhone. So if you have some favorite artists or songs leave me a comment and I will go and check them out.
I also want to say GET BETTER to all my friends that are not feeling well! It seems as if everyone around me is getting sick and by the end of the flu season I have a feeling that everyone will end of getting sick. It is a tough season and I just pray that Chad and I can stay healthy. So if you are feeling not yourself or have the flu/swine flu I hope you feel better soon!
Amie took some great photos of her boys over the past few days and I just love them. Go Check It Out Here! Aidan her oldest boy is so funny and tells the best stories. In fact a few nights ago he called me and said HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It is not even close to my birthday, but I will take it just to hear his voice. I just love those boys!
Finally if you live in NWA and have no plans tomorrow night Bentonville is having their First Friday Event and it is centered around Walmart's Holiday Toyland. It all begins at 3PM-8PM. The weather is going to be great and so I look forward to spending a few hours out in the sun enjoying the fall day!
Happy Friday!

Melissa!!!! You are so sweet, shout out since I am one of those sicklings! I am working on getting better so I can come to the party Saturday night.. we should be able too! The doc says I dont' have the "flu" just a virus. But I am still running a 101 so hopefully by Sat night, I should be golden!
I like to listen to all kinds of music! I like KLRC in town, but I also love some spunky hip hop when working out! Gotta have that upbeat to get in the groove! Wish SHRED had that on their tape.. once I get level 1 memorized I can add my ipod and not listen to her!
Love you so much!!!
Thank you for the sweet comments about my boys and acknowledging my photos!!!! Love to you both
I always enjoy my stops at your blog...I too love music....anytime...and this week it has been Christmas music.......
I haven't been sick yet...I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can stay away from people that are sick long enough to stay well! :)
My younger daughter was pretty sick-scary sick--she is just turning the corner at 10 days. It totally sucked the life out of her. She is still sleeping a lot even though the high fevers resolved a week ago. It is a nasty, nasty flu. :(
I LOVE to be calmed by my music. It is a time when I can slow down and think about things....and pray.
Have you discovered VERY cool place to make your own music "station" on your computer and listen all day long. LOVE it!!!
Love you! xo
I just had to leave you a message and let you know that I FINALLY fixed my computer and I can leave comments on your blog now :)
I'm SOOOO happy!!!
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