This past Sunday at church our pastor spoke on We Are Free - "Free in Suffering" and it was amazing! So I thought that I would share the keypoints that I took away with all of you.
First ask yourself this question, is it possible to be free in suffering? What must I see and understand in times of suffering? The below insights might assist you as they did for me in feeling free from suffering.
While listening to our Pastor preach on this subject there was one family that I kept thinking about and the suffering they faced in 2008 when they lost their daughter Audrey Caroline. Yes I am referring to Angie Smith's blog and if you have followed her blog for some time you know her story and I truly admire the Smith family for there strength they continue to show during the struggles they faced and continue to face with the loss of their beautiful daughter Audrey. They are a true example of feeling free from suffering.
Here are the five insights that were discussed in regards to suffering:
1. Everyone and Everything experiences suffering - in my days of struggling with infertility I felt as if God was picking on me and allowing me to go through this while others don't have too. I felt as if it was unfair! Why would God want me to struggle with infertility? What is his greater purpose for me? But after our pastor spoke on this subject it made me realize that we all experience suffering just in different forms. What a relief! Suffering is not fun, but I have learned so much from my suffering that it will be with me for the rest of my life.
2. All suffering is temporary - Praise the Lord that suffering is only Temporary! The tough part about suffering is realizing that it is only temporary and it will pass. All of us that face infertility will soon realize that it is only temporary when we are holding our little one in our arms. Suffering allows us to grow as individuals and appreciate the world around us. If everything was easy we would all take the life that God has given us for granted! Suffering is a great gift and even though it is painful it is only temporary.
3. Eagerly expect Redemption of my body - this will happen when Jesus comes again and He raises all from the dead, my body will be raised from the dead and glorified before Him.
4. Greatest suffering is incomparable to the coming Glory of God - even the greatest of suffering that I will face is no where comparable to the Glory I will face when I am face to face with God.
5. The Holy Spirit is with Me - even during the days of struggles and sadness that I have faced I need to remember that the Holy Spirit is with me praying for me, and showing me how to be a stronger person.
I share this post to all that are suffering today and I hope it gives you hope to feel free in suffering. All the best to you!
In addition the following song from Kari Jobe - "You Are For Me" was worshiped during this service as well and it is an amazing song! So I hope you will take sometime and listen!

This is a great post Melissa!It's just what I need to hear today!
I loved this! It is so true! Exactly what I've been needing to hear! Our God is a HUGE day we will get through this, and these struggles are in our lives for a reason, a very special reason...
Love you sweetie...always praying for you!
What a great sermon and thoughts from your own life. Thanks so much for sharing it! =)
Wow thanks so much for sharing! Praying for you!
Summer :0)
Thanks for sharing! Love post like these!
Thank you SO much Melissa for sharing these important words with me. I really felt that #2 hit home with's always encouraging to know that we are going THROUGH this experience and that it is only temporary, not a permanent time period.
Praying for you and so glad to be sharing this journey in becoming parents with you :)
Great post! I needed this today. Amen to suffering only being temporary!!
This was lovely. Thank you so much. I am praying. HARD! For you. For us. I want to see you smile.
Thank you - I needed this today.
This is a great post, and it sounds like many people needed this today! :)
Wow did I need that tonight.....Thanks for sharing...
I had really never thought about it this way! I have been suffering with infertility for a while and it is excruciating to take that test at the end of the month and hear the negative results afetr all the prayer and hope...such a let down. I am thankful it is temporary, it is nice to be reminded of that, and I trust in Gods plan for me and my husband. Thank you for sharing your struggle. It is nice to not feel alone in this.
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