Sharing the news with our family and friends was very special to me and I wanted each event to be memorable. The first person I shared the news with after telling my husband was Kelly @ Kelly's Korner. We had lunch plans the day after I found out I was pregnant and I just could not keep it to myself. Kelly asked how I was doing and it just came out. We both cried and I think that she was amazed with my news. I know I was still in shock on that day. I just wish we would have gotten a picture together during our lunch date. Oh well we have many more lunch dates/play dates in the future. We than planned a trip to Sioux Falls, SD to visit my sister Amie. It was great timing because my mom and my sister Jessyca also planned to go to Amie's House that same weekend. We went to Amie's house on October 9th, 2009 and when we arrived on Friday it snowed on Friday night and with the snow my mom and sister Jessyca were at risk of not making it to Amie's house. They were driving from Montana and all the way from Montana to South Dakota it was snowing and the road conditions were not great. They however did make it and I was so happy that they were able to make it. Since they didn't arrive until the day after we arrived we had to wait a day to share the news. So about an hour or so after they arrived Chad gave each of the girls a wrapped present. He told them they had to open it together and when they opened it they were completely amazed and shocked. Amie said, "I can't believe you were able to keep this from me!" The gift from Amie and Jessyca was a shirt that said Aunt to Be and my Mom's Shirt said Grandma to Be. We all cried and hugged. We did take pictures of all of us together on that special day.
Next stop sharing the news with all our friends. It was important to me that we share the news with our friends in a special way that they will not forget. I invited all of our friends to our house for a dinner party on November 7rh, 2009. Little did they know that the dinner party was really a coming out party. We had wonderful food and conversation before the big announcement. Chad invited all of the adults to come into our living room as we were going to play a game. Chad handed each couple a envelope and told them not to open it until he counted to three. One..two...three and everyone opened it.
This is what they opened
I remember looking at our friends faces and the excitement they had for us. I know that many of them had been waiting for this day just as much as we have. The pictures below will tell the story, but after the big announcement it was filled with lots of hugs and many tears.
Before the big announcement!
After the big announcement!
I wrote our story which I shared in this post and Chad gave each one of our friends a copy!
Thanks Kim for taking all the wonderful photos! They are a perfect!
We had one couple that had a prior engagement and could not make it to the party so I had to figure out how to get them over to our house before the party so we called them and asked them if we can borrow a ladle for the soup I was serving and I remember them telling Chad, "don't you have neighbors?" They however did bring the ladle and Chad and I went out to their car and shared the news with them. I remember Alex saying Praise the Lord and Anthony was amazed and shocked that we were able to keep it to ourselves for 12 weeks. They did come by later in the night to celebrate!
I feel so blessed that all of our friends in NWA were able to join us for this special night. It will be one I won't forget. I get asked this all the time, how did you manage to keep it a secret for 12 weeks? Well it was not easy, but it was important to me that I hear the babies heartbeat and make it to the safe point in my pregnancy before sharing the news.
My amazing friend Ashley did a post about that night a few days ago and if you have time stop by her blog and read it. It is great to hear the story from her point of view.
I feel so blessed that all of our friends in NWA were able to join us for this special night. It will be one I won't forget. I get asked this all the time, how did you manage to keep it a secret for 12 weeks? Well it was not easy, but it was important to me that I hear the babies heartbeat and make it to the safe point in my pregnancy before sharing the news.
My amazing friend Ashley did a post about that night a few days ago and if you have time stop by her blog and read it. It is great to hear the story from her point of view.
After sharing the news with our friends we had one very special couple to share the news with and that was with our Arkansas parents Mary and Greg. So this past weekend we went to Bee Branch, Arkansas to share the news. Chad and I purchased a gift for Mary and we put the same card in her gift bag. She opened the card first and she was completely in shock she had no idea. My hubby is one to always call Mary and share all news with her ASAP, but this time he was very good about keeping it a secret and it was the best seeing their faces when they read the card. Lots of tears and hugs followed. It was a great weekend of discussing all things baby and Mary was a great mom taking care of me and making great food. I love being at her house because she always has fruit and great food that we eat all weekend long. I didn't get any pictures...sorry!
So that is it! I hope that it was not too boring. Sharing the news was a big milestone for us. We won't forget the special moments we had with our family and friends. Now that the news is out this is all beginning to feel real!
Tomorrow I will share the news about my first baby appointment and how I am feeling. I hope that all this baby news is exciting for you as it is for me. Have a great Thursday!

I LOVE reading about all of this Melissa, and I can't wait to hear all about this wonderful journey. I have so many questions for you now, you may have to do another question and answer post. :) Are you going to stay home once the baby is born? Do you plan to find out the sex? Are you feeling ill?
Congrats again!!!
Thank you so much for sharing with us!
I am so excited for you and will be praying for you and baby throughout!
I've been reading your blog as a silent follower for a while from Ashley's blog. You are just too adorable and I'm SOOO hapy for you and your husband. Having a child is the most amazing gift from God, which I know you are already aware of. You will make a GREAT mother. Can't wait to follow your pregnancy journey all the way!
Much love!
I just love the way you shared your exciting news. When you have waited so long - it's SO much fun to share about your miracle. I will never forget telling everyone about Harper. It's something that will stay with me my whole life.
And I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo honored that I was the first to know! I prayed for you for so long and cried so many tears for you. I will never forget how sad I was when the IVF didn't work. I cried a lot for several days because I hurt for you so much. And I just KNEW that one day I would get good news! And I DID!
Melissa, I am so laughing right now. Yesterday Kelly posted a picture of the Police Officer that unlocked her car and I know him personally! Today you post the picture of Alex and his wife and I had the honor of meeting them at our children's Thanksgiving program at Lifeway Christian School yesterday morning! This is such a small world!
I am in tears!! I am so happy for you!!! Love the pictures!!!
I don't know you but I am crying tears of JOY for you! I know how I felt after 2 years of trying announcing Kelcee with our friends and family! It is something you just will never forget! I am soooooo happy for you!! Good luck at your appointment tommorrow!! Be sure to post ultrasound pics!!
Summer :0)
Loved hearing more about your pregnancy so far! What a special way to share the news with everybody special in your lives. I was just going to ask you how you've been feeling and then I read how you said you'd be talking about that tomorrow! So fun!
This is SO exciting!! I feel like I could have been at that party!! :) I love reading about your journey, and cannot wait to hear every part of it until we see that baby!!
OMG...what wonderful news!!! I am so happy for you two!! Thanks for sharing!!
I've enjoyed reading your blog for some time now. I know you and Chad are over the moon with this wonderful news. I can't wait to hear about your 1st appt, the first sono picture and all things baby. Congratulations!!!
So exciting!! Such great memories that will be with you forever! I love it! :)
P.S. I just emailed you...hopefully you can understand it through all of my EXCITEMENT!! ;)
I love hearing about this and the pictures made me cry just looking at them and seeing the emotion and the happiness from everyone surrounding you guys. So sweet!
I am not a follower of your blog, but after reading this I will become one! I found a link to your blog over on "A Day in the Life of Karen" And OMG...I am sitting here at my desk crying, this is so wonderful. Congrats & God Bless you & your family!
How exciting!!!
I have been following your blog since the summer and have been praying for you and Chad. As I ready your posts each day my entire heart fills with joy for you!! I am soo happy for you!
~ Kim
from NY
What great pictures to captures such a special moment!
Congratulations! It must have been so fun to share the news with everyone! I'm so excited for you guys! Thanks for sharing the news on the blog. It was a huge encouragement to me!
i love every last detail. keep them coming. i have cried reading each and every post and had to leave the office yesterday after reading ashley's post and clear the tears! i couldn't be happier for you! our best friends are pregnant and are due in may just two days after you are! i'll be fun to hear about both your milestones together! they are actually from camden/arkadelphia, arkansas... so they are missing home during this time. i'm glad we get to be apart of it all.
((hugs)) from cali!
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!! I am a follower of Kelly's Korner and every now and then I check out her favorite blogs. I've seen your page before and I was thinking about checking back here to find out when you and your husband were expecting (praying it would happen for you two!). For some reason I checked today and see that I've missed a few posts, ONE VERY EXCITING ONE, and wanted to say Congrats! I haven't even read the blog post yet, but I saw the title and skimmed through the last few entries! I can't wait to continue reading about your journey! I'm going to add you to my list of favorites right now!
Again, congrats and God Bless!!
~patty in California.
I have been reading your blog for a while now- found you on Kelly's blog..I want you to know that I have chills all over after reading your news! Congratulations to you and your husband! What a miracle!!
I love reading all these post!!!! I am so happy for y'all! You are an amazing friend!
By the way, I 'just' got your email that you wrote me back when you were actually in the car writing on your phone...weird how I just got it??? I will be writing you back soon!
Love ya!
melissa-CONGRATS!!!! i've been behind a week or so on your blog and as soon as the picture popped up, i got so excited!! i am so happy for you guys! i know it's been a long journey but god has/will bless you immensly!!! god is good...all the time...all the time...god is good!!!! keep the faith!!!
Ok, random comment here. Where did you get your living room rug? I love it!
What fun stories!!! I love the shirts and the cards you used to tell your friends...what a memorable night! Congrats again. :)
Very sweet. Love the photos!!!
You two are going to be wonderful parents
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