I am back from my doctor's appointment and I am glad I went. I have a sinus infection and a cold. So I am taking Sudafed and a Prescription Cough Syrup so hopefully in a few days I can feel 100%. I have already taken a small nap this afternoon and I plan on resting and napping on and off throughout the day. I was happy to hear the baby's heartbeat and to know that all is fine with the baby. Thanks for your sweet comments. Have a great Monday afternoon!

Praise the Lord!! Isn't it so wonderful to hear the baby's heartbeat and know that all is ok?!? I'm glad you are on your way to being better!!
I'm glad you found out what was going on. Hopefully you'll be back to yourself in no time. So thankful you got to "hear" the baby! I'm sure that was such a JOYOUS feeling!
Hugs :)
Hope you feel better soon! Get lots of rest!! Yay you got to hear the baby's heartbeat today!
Summer :0)
Hope you feel better soon and glad that precious baby is doing just fine! :)
I hope you feel better soon Melissa! How fun you got to hear the baby's heartbeat!!
Thats exactly what I had! Hope you get better soon sweetie!!! :)
Feel better!! I am glad that you went in & hope you are feeling better soon!
Praying for you!!
SOO glad you are feeling better!! ;) Glad we talked today!
Just started following your blog and I just wanted to let you know that you have another prayer warrior! Hope you feel better really soon!!
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