I wanted to let all my blog readers, especially the ones that recently sent me an email over the past 5 days that I am sick and not feeling well at all. Being pregnant and sick is not fun, as I can't take a whole lot of medicine. In fact I have tired everything that the doctor has recommend over the past week and it is not working. So today at 10:45 AM I am off to the doctor's office in hopes to get relief from this deep cough I have, the sore throat I have, and aching ears. I am also hoping that they will also check our baby. Do colds impact your baby or are they safe? I am dying to know. So once I get to feeling better I will answer all emails, but for now I am resting. Have a great Monday!

aww get better girl.........
Just found your blog and have started reading!! Congrats on the pregnancy! Hope you get some things that help you feel better today!!!
Feel better girly! Your in my prayers! Your right there isn't much you can take when pregnant for a cold! My mi-mi is a nurse and I have been there done that with my complicated pregnancy I had and usually a cold has no effect on pregnancy at all! Just as long as it's not swine flu/etc.!! Rest your pretty head and hand in there!
Summer :0)
So sorry that you are not feeling well! Hopefully you will be feeling better soon, I will keep you in my prayers for sure!
I'm so sorry you're not feeling well! I was the sickest I've probably ever been about weeks 6 - 8 of my pregnancy, so I definitely understand the pain of not being able to take much to help. I finally got over the bronchitis with a combo of Robitussin (there's a kind you can take) and sleeping with a vaporizer on. And your baby should be fine as long as you make sure to drink plenty of water and eat when you can! Praying you feel better SOON! :)
Hi sweet girls! I will tell you, colds DO NOT hurt the baby! For some reason when woman get pregnant they have worse colds, that is what my doctor said. And it stinks because you can't TAKE A THING! Well, suddafed (sp) but it didn't help me a bit! I was able to even use nose spray and did for a week straight!
I know it's scary because you cough SO hard you are scared it will hurt your little peanut, but I SWEAR, it won't. I was worried about the same thing, and Avery was just fine. The doctors tried to reassure me constantly & nothing they said made me feel better. Until she was born.. and I was like, "Wow, she survived all kinds of things"!!! Even my Diet Coke cravings! They are more safe in their little sack more than you know girlfriend.
I love you so much, feel better and please call if I can bring soup! ;) HUGS!
Oh man, sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I remember with my first pregnancy, I had a ton of back to back colds. So not fun when you really can't take much medication. I will be praying that you'll get to feeling better soon and try not to worry too much. Even though you might feel really yucky, the baby is not in danger. Take care!!!
oh, being sick and pregnant is the PITS!! I had strep throat twice in the first 12 weeks of my second pregnancy. I took antibiotics both times and the doctor said I was better off with antibiotics in my body than strep...I hope you feel better soon!! Hopefully the doctors will give you an update on your bean too :) They didn't for me for sick visits, but who knows?!?
Oh...being pregnant can be tough enough, but being sick too! I can't imagine! I'm trying to stay away from people and avoid people, if I can! I know that sounds terrible, but I've got to do it to stay healthy!
So sorry to hear you are sick, hun. It is incredibly miserable when you are pregnant because you can't take anything hardley...well, anything that actually helps. When I was pregnant with my last I actually had a pharmacy tech berate me in public for buying the Sudafed that was the only thing on the list of meds from my doc that I COULD take. Apparently she didn't get the memo, DO NOT MAKE A HORMONAL AND SICK PREGNANT MOMMA CRY IN PUBLIC...because then...it's goin' down. :) That and she wasn't a very educated Rx Tech to boot!
Colds will not hurt the baby...just make sure you stay very hydrated and rest as much as possible! I will be praying for a very speedy recovery!!!
Get feeling better quick
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