Do you have moments each day that you love? Given that it is the month to be thankful I thought that I would share a few moments that I have each day that I just love!
1. My three morning kisses from my husband! Chad goes to work before I am out of bed and he always gives me three kisses on my cheek before he leaves and a I love you! It just melts my heart!
2. Bella Moments! If you can't tell by now I love my dog Bella she is my girl. I enjoy the moment when I ask her if she wants to go for a walk and she gets excited and smiles. It makes me excited inside that she is happy.
3. "My Time" During the Day! Since I work at home I am able to enjoy my time each day. My time usually consists of a daily walk or a warm bath or reading or just sitting in silence reflecting on my life. I think it is good to stop and slow down and embrace each day. I may not be good at doing it each day, but I do try.
So what are your daily favorite moments?

I love that you get three morning kisses from your husband! And I love moments with my dog too! And I wish I had more "Me Time" during the day!!
I also love the moments with my dog! My husband leaves for work before I do and I always cuddle with my dog before it is time for me to get up! I also love my "me time" when I get home every day when it is just me and my dog again!
I love that your hubs gives ya three morning kisses each morning! My hubby always kisses me on the head and tells me he loves me before he heads to work at like 6ish! I am still in bed! I love that moment! I also love all the hugs and kisses I get from my Kelcee all day long! I enjoy my kitty cat cuddles too! I have a lap cat whom just screams for attention! It's really sweet! Thanks for sharing your loves!
Summer :0)
I love your list. You deserve all three of those kisses!
How are you dear?
I love your list, my hubby does the same thing with 3 kisses, if we are holding hands or somewhere where we can't talk he will squeeze my hand or tap me 3 times for I love you...
Besides 4:00 rolling around so I can leave work :) my daily favorites consist of my little puppies total excitement when I walk through the door...soaking in a hot tub and dinner time with Zach when he gets home :)
I love that you listed your favorite moments in the day! It's so easy to get worn down and focus on the negative --- great way to remember how many things in our lives there are to be thankful for!
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