The evening before Grayson's big day tomorrow we spent time snuggling and playing!
I really tried to spend the past year with Grayson living in the moment! I let things go that I typically wouldn't and every moment I could I was enjoying Grayson. Even if those moments were sad and lots of tears.
A few of my favorite moments with Grayson right now are:
~When he first wakes up in the morning and he is playing and the moment I walk in the door and say good morning he is ALL SMILES and gets SO EXCITED!
~Seeing him learn new things for example walking I just love how he explores his new talent and is cautious at times, but excited and thinks he can take of running. Today he seems to prefer walking over crawling. I can't wait for all our family and friends to see him in action.
~Hearing him talk and make noises. He can NOW say Dada, Mama, Bella, and Ball. I also love when I ask him to stand, dance, or clap and he will do it. It is amazing WOW smart babies can be.
~I love watching Grayson independently play in his playroom or around the house. It is neat watching what he does and the mess he can make in just a few seconds.
There are so many wonderful things I love about Grayson and I would be writing this post all night and I might bore all of you.
I feel truly blessed to be Grayson's Mommy. He has brought ABSOLUTE JOY TO MY HEART!
Here are some final moments together with Grayson snuggling with his mommy before bed. Our final moments together before he is ONE!

What a SWEET and precious post of your little boy. I cannot believe how fast time went by...
And now I seriously need another baby :)
Happy Birthday Little Grayson!!! May your next year be full of blessings.
Baby Grayson is just so cute!! Congrats to you all on a wonderful first year. What a blessing. KE
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