It is Monday and we are back to our normal routine! It is also May 2nd, 2011 and COLD in NWA! I really wish the warm weather would stick around. I am ready to see the sun shining. But for today it is cold and RAINING again!
Last week I spent the week in California for work and Grayson got to spend the week at home with our friends. They took such good care of Grayson and he did so well! He slept through the night all but one night and eat really well for them. I was worried that he would not eat for them and would be fussy, but like people say kids are better when there parents aren't around. I got home on Friday and I was so happy to see my baby! He was all smiles and he kept giving me kisses on the way home from the airport. It was too cute! The rest of the weekend he was glued to my side. A special THANK YOU to Mary and Greg for taking care of Grayson and THANK YOU Chad for all your love and support during the week I was away. It was nice to come home to a clean house and all the laundry was complete!
While I was away I had two rules:
1. They had to take a picture of Grayson everyday! That way I could keep up with my 365 day project.
2. He could not walk while his mommy was away!
Here are the pictures from the week I was gone
Here is a video I took the night before I left, Grayson is showing of his walking skills with one of his toys. This is why I was nervous he was going to walk while I was gone. But he didn't and I didn't miss anything. He has started walking from furniture to furniture in our living room and I think it is only a matter of time before he is walking all over the place.
Have a great Monday!
I did get a few comments about Grayson's Easter Pail. I got it at If You Say Sew. The website is

what a sweet little man! love all the pictures! glad to hear he did so well for your friends... made mama proud i'm sure :)
he is such a cutie. i love his two teeth on the bottom.
Melissa he is SO cute!! He is basically walking...I can't believe how fast he pushes that thing around...he's barely even hanging on to it! What a big boy. :) So glad you are home to your sweet boy!
Love this baby boy!!!!
Look at him go! Glad he saved those first steps for won't be long now!
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