Starting the new year and the frame a day project I have found several different FUN camera apps and more to help with my 365 day project for 2012.
I will need all the quick help I can get with baby Crew joining our family in 10 weeks. Since I know that ALL of you are busy just like me I thought I would share my findings.
These are apps for the iPhone not sure if you can get them on any other phones.
I love instagram and the quality of the pictures are great! In fact I recently purchased magnets through StickyGram. I can't wait to see how they look.
Some other fun camera apps I play with are:
Vintage Cam
Plus I am utilizing Project 365 APP for my pictures I take on my phone each day! You should check it out!
here is an example of what mine looks like right now:
I like that you can set a reminder to add a picture each day! This way you NEVER forget!
Feel free to leave a comment on some of your favorite photo apps I would love to try them out!
I also want to leave you with a story my sister Amie shared in her photography newsletter this month. It is a great read and I hope it will inspire us all to step back and take more pictures of our kids and of ourselves with our loved ones. I believe pictures are priceless!
The link I am sharing is to the actual photographers website that received the letter.

I couldn't agree with you more--photos ARE priceless. You have already done so much for Grayson in his short life in terms of taking photos and creating books of memories. I commend you for that! Thank you for sharing the iphone apps; as a new iphone owner myself, I'll be checking them out :)
Thanks so much for 365 apps. I wanted to do it this year and was already behind on day 2 :) this is a great way to do this project and not feel overwhelmed
Just downloaded the project 365!! Thanks for sharing :)
Very nice blog.
Happy new year to you from Italy.
Thanks for the heads up on the 365 app. I totally need this app to keep my slacker butt on track. Plus it's a pain trying to remember what day you took each photo on.
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