A few questions I get asked ALL the time is
How do I do it all?
How do I stay organized?
How do I have a clean house?
How do I work and seem to have it all together every day?
I will first start by telling you that I do have a cleaning lady that comes once a week. I love it! I HATE cleaning bathrooms and if all she did was clean our bathrooms I would be one happy girl, but she does clean our house each week and does an amazing job. I am blessed to be able to have a cleaning lady because this does give me more time during the week and weekends to spend with Grayson and Chad and not clean or run around like a crazy person every night after work or during the weekend trying to clean. I know not everyone can have a cleaning lady so some tips I have for you is to do something each day that way you don't feel like you are spending an entire day (ie.Saturday) cleaning. I should have mentioned at the beginning of this post that I actually both Chad and I are VERY NEAT people... we like a clean and organized house. You can ask anyone that has been to our house or is friends with us that our house is always clean. As for being organized I will tell you we do have areas, like my side of the master closet that REALLY needs to be organized and clothes donated. It is on my list of things to do before baby Crew arrives. Chad and I both go through a phase twice a year where we organize all closets, cabinets, get rid of things etc. This helps us to not accumulate unnecessary things and helps our house stay organized. We are currently going through this phase right now. For example we just went through several kitchen cabinets and got rid of glasses and dishes that we no longer touch. We will donate these items this week to our local church compassion center. We also do this with clothes we no longer wear. As I stated earlier I still need to go through my closet and drawers. So if you feel as if things are unorganized or if you have too much take baby steps and do one room at a time. I promise getting rid of the clutter or extra things that you don't use will help and will make you feel so much better. We really try to only have our holiday decor and paper work that we need to save in storage in our house. That is Chad's ultimate goal for our attic storage.
I hope I am not boring you, but I thought that I would also share what I do each day to make things easier for me.
I make our bed every day after getting up
I dust our bedroom furniture almost everyday, it is dark and shows dust horribly
I straighten up Grayson's room and get his clothes ready for the day after he wakes up for the day
We do laundry as a team in our house some mornings Chad will start a load of laundry before going to work and I will put it in the dry when I am up for the day than we usually finish it up after work. I always do laundry on Sunday and make sure it is completely done before the work week begins. We probably do laundry twice or three times a week.
As for the the dishes and dishwasher... all dishes from each meal are cleaned up after the meal and put in the dishwasher. Each morning I unload the dishwasher while Grayson is eating breakfast.
Another tip I have is everything in our house has a "home"...
for example our keys go in the same spot everyday
or phones go in the same spot
my purse and work bag go in the kitchen each day
Grayson's diaper bag is always by the garage door
I think these things really help us stay organized that way we are not looking for these things each morning.
By now you are all thinking WOW she is SUPER organized...
it may appear that way based on what you read, but we do have moments where we get unorganized and need to spend some time on certain areas of our home. For example a few weeks ago I went through our freezer, fridge, and pantry and cleaned out all unnecessary items. It looks so much better and I know where everything is which helps with meals.
It may seem like I do it all, but I have amazing support and help from Chad. If you are still reading I hope something that I wrote helped.
All of this allows me to feel organized and keep our house some what in a clean state while we both work.
I enjoy having an organized and clean home because it gives me time in the morning, after work, and all weekend to PLAY!
Now we will see if this all continues when Crew arrives...
stay tuned!

Awesome! I wish I was that organized, but I just feel so far behind that it would take a huge purging to get to that point- but I feel it coming :)
I feel the same way Melissa! Doesn't life just seem to run more smoothly when everything is organized and neat?
I have a ton of stuff to do as far as the house goes. I am feeling very overwhelmed and think I will just grab a big black trash bag! I think that will help! HA@
I've had a post on organizing waiting to be finished and now you've just inspired me to finish and publish it for tomorrow! You're incredibly organized, and I think it helps that both you and Chad like things to be neat and orderly in your home. I admire you for all that you do in a day and for your purposeful decisions each day not to get behind. Keep up the good work and know that you'll be able to do it with two little ones, just maybe not at the very beginning. Give yourself 2-3 months though and you'll get right back on track with everything you do now. Knowing you, maybe even sooner than that.
Hang in there with the GD--just caught up on a bunch of your posts and I totally feel for you since I have similar tastes as you do. I know your current diet stinks, but it will be all the better when you get to hold your precious son WHILE eating some chocolate cake :) Just a few more weeks!
Thank you for the great advice, now i feel motivated to get going on some areas in my house! :)
You amaze me, I just don't know how you do it all! I have an 18 month old at home and it seems NOTHING gets done around here. The bad part, I don't even work outside the home. I have good intentions & am constantly putting all these routines into place but I quickly get off track and can't get back on. Kudos for you for keeping it all together :)
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