Week 30 Update
I welcome week 30 and the countdown begins 10 weeks or less. It is exciting, but we have a lot to do before Crew arrives.
It will be a busy last few months, but FUN!
I haven't heard back if I passed my 3 hour glucose test... I am hoping no news is GOOD news! Either way I am calling tomorrow to find out for sure!

You look great! So excited to see little Crew on the blog!
Hi there! I've been following your blog for awhile but just now getting around to visiting. We are sharing week 30 this week! When is your official due date? I'm due on March 15th but scheduled for a C-section one week prior...boy am I counting down the days! hahaha! Congratulations on your little one!
i love what you're wearing! this has been a fast pregnancy!!! getting close :)
WOW I can not blieve that only have 10 weeks left!! You look AMAZING!!
I love seeing your updates! Lots of exciting moments for 2012!!
you look amazing for being 30 weeks along!
Wow! I can't believe you are already 30 weeks- you look great!
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