So I am making a list of things that "we" would like to get completed before Crew arrives. I figure if I write it all done and mark them off as they are completed my mind won't be racing with a million thoughts of what needs to get completed in 8 weeks.
1. Crew's Nursery Furniture Needs to arrive and be setup in his room.
2. Order Crew a chair like Grayson's for pictures - done and completed 01/15/2012
3. Figure out what type of animal (sock monkey) I want to use for pictures with Crew each month
4. Get the carpets cleaned in Crew's Nursery
5. Crew's Bedding waiting for it to be completed and picked up
6. Crew's coming home outfit need to figure out what I want and purchase...decisions decisions!
7. Organize ALL closets in our house
My closet and drawers
Chad's closet and drawers
Grayson's closet and drawers
Crew's closet and drawers - need to also wash all clothes that are currently in the attic and organize by sizes
8. Find a toy chest for the playroom - the little toys are getting out of hand and they need a home after Grayson is done playing with them.
9. Finalize Health Insurance for the boys!
10. Register at the hospital before delivery day
11. Finalize plans for Grayson on delivery day
12. Finalize Maternity Leave for myself and all the details
13. Decide on what to wear and take to the hospital for myself
14. Take bounce seat, swing, and nap nanny out of the attic
15. Pack bags for myself, Grayson, and Crew. Chad will also have to pack his bag too for the hospital.
16. Organize cabinet in kitchen for the boys, clean bottles, and get breastfeeding things organized.
17. Register for baby shower
18. Setup Pack N Play in our room
19. Chad wants to paint our bedroom and bathroom before Crew comes, knowing him he will do it!
20. Decide on doing something special with Grayson before Crew comes... ideas?
I am sure there is more, but for now that is our long list of things to do...
Sorry for the boring post, but now I have it all written down and can cross off once complete!