Over the weekend I finally caught up on our 365 Day Project. I usually don't do a post on our daily pictures, but I thought I would since I had 18 pictures to update. If you follow me on Facebook that is where I keep this project updated. I am happy that I have kept up with the daily photos it has been fun looking back at all of the photos.
I created two storyboards and I will try my best to share a caption about each picture.
1. first time playing in his baby pool
2. at our friend's house playing on their deck
3. G wanted to push the swing instead of being pushed...it was a little dangerous and it didn't last long before I started pushing him in the swing
4. teaching Grayson how to sit in the chair, instead he kept crawling out of it and sitting beside it
5. fun picture I took before Grayson fell down
6. Grayson was starting to get upset and I was trying to get a picture of him making his face with his bottom lip sticking out it is too cute!
7. Daddy watering flowers with Grayson. This is the best way to do it. I watered the flowers once with Grayson and he was COVERED in MUD afterwards! He loved it, but it was a complete mess!
8. Grayson finally likes the grass...
1. At Meme's new house... he already knows how to turn on the bathtub!
2. Summer fun...I was changing Grayson into his swim shorts in the backyard and he ran away from me and I couldn't resist taking a quick picture!
3. Just playing
4. Trying a cracker at Meme's house
5. Cute picture of Grayson that I got mid-action of him starting to stand up!
6. Grayson was teething HORRIBLE last week so I gave him a frozen waffle in the backyard and he loved it! Hint..go outside it makes a big mess!
7. I love this picture of Grayson he looks so much like his cousin Drew in this picture.
8. Teething again...this is how he uses his paci when he is teething.
At Red Robin having dinner with friends on Saturday.
Grayson loved getting the ballon!
Swim Party on Sunday. Grayson had already went swimming and we were having a lunch break so he found some toys to keep himself busy. I love his cover up, it kept him warm without having to change him out of his swim shorts.
Question for all readers:
My friend Karen at Karen at Home recently did a week long series on Stay at Home Moms. I loved reading the posts each day and I was wondering if anyone of MY readers would be interested in guest blogging on MY blog for Working Moms. I think it would be VERY interesting to READ how all Working Moms manage home life and work life. Don't get me WRONG I strongly believe that staying home with your kids is being a WORKING MOM, but I was wondering if anyone would be interested in reading on HOW moms manage working outside of the home and all the details that go along with it. I could start off the series and we could go from there... give me your feedback and I was thinking we could get started on July 11th, 2011. I would love to share what I do in a typical day with work, taking care of our house, Grayson, and Bella.
What are your thoughts???
Have a great week!

I would love to read about other working moms since I'll be one soon. That's a great idea.
I think this is a great idea! I work full-time out of my house, but because of my job, my daughter has to go to daycare. It would be great to see how other moms balance their working lifestyle!
How do you do your storyboards? I love your groupings of photos together. Do you do that in an outside program? You take awesome pictures. The creative gene must run in the family (I know your sister is a photographer).
I would love to read about other working moms! I'm a working mom, and I'm always looking for ways to juggle the two- it would be interesting to read how others do it :-)
Great idea!
I would LOVE to read about how other mom's keep things on track! I am a mother of two, married and work 8 hours everyday. Some days I feel like a pro at it but others I feel like a failure.
I'm a full time working mom and would love to share! If you are interested you can email me at fclarkfamily@gmail.com
Have a great day!
Love all the pics of Grayson! I don't think being a SAHM and working Mom each have their own set of difficulties. Would enjoy a working Mom's series!
Melissa - I wouldn't mind sharing a day in a working moms life. Jesshrouda@comcast.net
I would love to read about other working moms.
I would also love to read how other working mommies manage it all...And thanks again for the Pinterest invite. I'm hooked! :)
Im a working mom and would love to be a part of your series:) I always would love to hear how others do it.
I think that's a great idea!!! I am a teacher, and I'm still trying to figure out how to juggle everything, so I would LOVE to see how other moms do it :)
I would write a working mom's blog if you needed. And I agree it would be interesting to see how other working mom's make it through typical days!
If you need anymore help with writing working mom posts, let me know! I'm a working mom and would love to help!
Long time reader, but never commented! I'd love to be involved if youre interested! I'm a working mom, but I only work part-time so this might give a different view of my life as part stay at home, part working mom! Let me know what you think!
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