Thanks to all that have commented or emailed me in regards to the working mommy posts. I have received a great response and will be emailing you each with details on thoughts/ideas and confirming which day of the week works best for you to do the post. I think it would be great to do the post here on my blog, but link up to your blog where you will have the post as well.
Some ideas I plan on sharing on my post are:
~quality time spent devoting to the word of God and praying
~how to get things done such as dishes, laundry, keeping the house clean, etc
~how to spend quality time with your spouse, dogs, and little ones
~how to spend time with friends
~how to spend time with extended family
~keeping up with blogs and other social media
~balancing it all because I think all moms out there take on TOO MUCH and we think we can do it all. At least I am this way! HA!
I will have to say some of the above things I am great at doing and others I need to work on them. If only there were a FEW more hours in the day...
Again these are just my thoughts and you can expand on them when you do your post, but I wanted to get them out to you so you can start thinking and preparing your post. I am excited to do this series and look forward to hearing how other moms balance work and home life!
If you are a stay at home mom and you work too I would love to hear from you as well. Also if you are a stay at home mom Karen at Karen at Home is doing a series RIGHT NOW about the Day in the Life of a Stay At Home Mom. You should go check it out! Plus Kelly from Kelly's Korner is doing a week series on Week in the Life, this is where she shares her day with her readers. I think it is great because it gives other moms ideas on things to do with their kids and more. Go check it out too!
These two moms did not ask me to write about them. I just think the topics they are sharing are wonderful and can add value to stay at home moms and I wanted to share. You can read if you would like...
Again thank you for your interest and we will begin the series July 11th, 2011. Please look for an email from me later today or tomorrow. If you are interested in doing a post please send me an email or leave a comment.
Have a Beautiful Day!