We are starting to get Grayson off of his bottle and on a sippy cup full time, however it is not going well at all!
Problem: when he takes a nap or goes to bed he has always had a bottle before he goes to sleep. Every time I give him a sippy cup he drinks a little bit and than sits up like he can't drink out of the sippy cup and go to sleep. Does that make sense? I feel as if the sippy cup flow of milk is faster than in a bottle. I don't think he will have an issue converting to a sippy cup, but I think I just have not found the right one for him. So can anyone tell me which sippy cup out there will be the best to transition from a bottle? I would love the help!
Here is a list of sippy cups we have and have tried:
Tommee Tippee Sippy Cup
Nuk Air System
Take and Toss
Look at this sweet smile...

Hi Melissa! I can so relate! Ours isn't going well either and I have given up at the moment. Not very mother of the year of me but she just wasn't ready. The funny thing is that she will drink formula out of a sippy at daycare but if I give it to her, she just throws the sippy on the ground in protest.
I have heard trying to eliminate one feeding at a time, for example, try just giving his milk in a sippy at lunch or dinner for now and go from there. I think Jillian will be having her morning bottle for awhile. I am actually going to try to give her milk in a sippy when she wakes up from her nap in a few hours. Wish me luck!
It's frustrating, I know, you just have to try everything until something works!!! We use the Dr. Browns sippy's and that is what Jillian has her milk in at daycare. Good luck, I would love to hear what works for Grayson!
My sister had some sort of stoppers that she put in the lid of the sippy cup so that it didn't just flow out, they actually had to suck on it to get the milk out. Then when they got use to that she took the stopper out.
We had the exact same problem with our son too and had a lot of luck with the Born Free trainer cups. They have handles like a sippy cup but a spout that is more like a bottle. We used those for probably 6 months or so before we transitioned to a straw cup, but still using the trainer cups in the morning and before bed. In the beginning, we would even tilt him back with the cup as though he was drinking from a bottle. It worked really well for us, even though the Born Free cups have more parts than other sippy cups. It was well work it to get him off a bottle. One thing I will say, though, is they have two types of nipples, hard and soft. Stick with the soft, because the hard nipple is free flowing and 1) was always too fast for William 2) doesn't have a back-flow valve, so everytime it gets tipped over it spills. The soft nipple is slower and doesn't spill, however, it ended up being a little too slow, so after a while we just took a small knife and made the slit bigger. After that they were perfect and I just ended up throwing them all away, and William turned 2 a few months ago! Anyway, hope this helps...I always feel the need to chime in on sippy cups as it took us forever to find what works too! Good luck!
Finding a good sippy is going to be the death of me. My FAVORITE is the Playtex insulated kind with the hard top. However, I don't think that's going to solve your problem. (Also, for the record I HATE Nubys. I have to take them completely apart because mold gets up under the soft part of the lid after a while.) We had to just start giving James his milk earlier in the evening instead of a to-go-to-sleep treat. The dentist also recommended we do this so that we could brush after. Hope you get some good advice!
Amelia likes the Dr. Brown's sippy cups, hard and soft spout. She also likes the Nubys.
Try BornFree. They have a vent just like their bottles... actually the sippy lids are interchangeable with the bottle tops and vice versa. They also come with a cap to throw in the diaper bag and removable handles. Good luck!
I don't know each of the brands, but we transitioned with the soft top, then hard top, then straw. Maybe the soft top will help him think it is a bottle still?
Transitioning them to the perfect cup is so hard... since they are SO different! :)
One Hadlea loved when she was starting was the cheap little plastic ones... at target:
I like the playtex brand. They have a good stopper in them :)
My friends little girl will only take the ones from walmart that has the straws. I cant remember what brand they are. She seemed to do much better with those than the cup.
We have also tried lots of different sippy cups. We just bought the Munchkin soft tip ones a couple weeks ago and Grayson can actually do it by himself! Good lick! I worry about when we have to completely transition in a few months!
These worked AWESOME for us!!! If it won't show the link they are the Nuby "Sport Sippers"
Good luck!
My little girl had the same problem and we FINALLY got her to drink milk out of the Think Baby Thinkster. It is just like her bottle but instead of a nipple it is a straw. I have to warn you...it is pretty much spill proof which is a plus but it is quite a pain to clean. My daughter would take one sip of milk out of a sippy cup and gag-it seemed like she was getting too much also. I hope this helps!
My daughter uses the Born Free sippy cups and they are awesome. They have two different ones, one with a faster flow and one with a bottle like flow. I haven't found them anywhere around here but I've purchased them online and at Babies R Us. Good luck!
Hey Melissa, I believe it was the Platex cups that we used when our boys were transitioning. They are a softer nipple, but not too flexible that it leaks out everywhere. Hope that helps! :)
We love playtex sippies.
Bornfree has a cup that is like a sippy cup but the spout is like a nipple on a bottle. It would help make a smooth transition because its still similar but also different because it has.sippy cup handles. My daughter used that cup for a week or so and then when we gave her a regular cup it wasnt such a shock to her. Good luck.
I would probably try to break the habit of the bottle to go to sleep rather than trying to switch him to a sippy cup at that time. It isn't good for them at his age and it would probably solve the problem :)! Good luck!
I'm interested in responses as well, I'm having the same trouble. My Abby will only drink from the straw sippy cups.
Open cup: Use a small, plastic one, fill it a third of the way, and give it to your (bibbed!) tot at meals.
Benefits: Encourages lip retraction -- when lips have to make a "smiley face" for words like "hi."
Straw sippy cup: They're mostly spillproof, so use them at home or in the car.
Benefits: Promotes funneling -- when the tongue stays in the mouth to talk -- and also strengthens cheek and lip muscles.
Hey Melissa,
So, take this as you want since I am not yet a mother, but I do work with infants and toddlers for speech, language, and feeding. Most speech therapists will say to stay away from sippy cups. I DON't say this as I was a nanny for 5 years in college and sippy cups are MUCH needed, especially during travel.
I give this advice that I picked up from a parenting magazine a while ago:
Sippy cup: Keep this one in your diaper bag, and use it for bedtime or when your tot is all dressed up.
Benefits: Saves your sanity!
But to answer your question, I have heard from many parents that they have had success iwth the TILTY sippy cup. I prefer that children use all sippy cups sitting up (based on the recommendations of pediatricians) and the TILTY has a tilt inside so that your son doesn't have to tilt his head back...it gives them some help when they eventually sip from an open cup.
Like I said, I can only give you what I know, and I am sure you will get a lot of WONDERFUL advice from all the mommy's out there! Good luck with this transtion! God bless!
My two haven't been able to use the "traditional" sippy cup. We switched to a straw cup and haven't looked back. It was amazing how much they would drink when we gave them a straw.
Hope you find something that works.
We've been transitioning Addie from Dr. Browns bottles to the Born Free sippy cups and she seems to be doing well so far. They have a air diffuser type thing in them like the dr browns that keeps the air out which I think helps. I've also seen some sippy cups that actually have a nipple shaped sippy part (I think Williams Sonoma may carry them) that may also be worth looking into! Good luck and let us know what works:)
Hope you're having a great week!
We love the Playtex ones - they have a handle on each side and a harder (but flexible) spout. It's by far the best one Carter will take. Try that!!! :)
Hi Melissa,
I'm a speech-language pathologist and I have worked a little with transitioning children to a sippy cup. If he is having difficulty transitioning from the bottle to the sippy cup, you want to find something with a latex tip, like this one: http://www.amazon.com/NUK-Learner-Latex-Single-Colors/dp/B002UXQRKW.
I have used this particular model and you can find it at Wal-Mart or Target. Hope this helps!
I would see if the brand of bottles you used make a trainer cup and see if that works. My son is almost two and we use the Playtex cups and he really likes them. Hope this helps!
Our Emery is turning one Saturday, and to get her from nursing and a bottle to a sippy cup we used the Avent ones. They seemed to work really well. Hope this helps :)
I had the same trouble with our boys. Our 1st was breastfed, then bottle, then sippy cup. I didn't want to have to go through all of that again with our 2nd... mainly because the transition to the sippy cup was a nightmare! BUT, the Nuk learner cup worked like magic the 2nd time around... our youngest went straight from the breast to the cup! And I must say, of all the sippy cups I've tried (probably every one made) the Nuk is my fave. And apparently it was my little guy's fave too since it took an act of congress to get it away from him ;) Good luck!
We used the straw kind but it took what seemed like months before he got it down. I always started with the straw sippy cup each meal/snack and after he tried for a while and threw it a bunch I would pour it into a bottle to finish. He broke a few cups throwing them too :) it takes time.
We are starting to get Grayson off of his bottle and on a sippy cup full ... nukmagiccup.blogspot.de
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