As promised I am sharing all the comments I received with all of you that are in similar situations as I am!
I am ready to try some of these tips and hoping for success! I will keep you posted on how it is going. I am really hoping by our 14 Month Post I can say he is on a Sippy Cup 100%!!!!
Please note that everything listed below are from comments I received. Take it as you want...I think it is great that so many moms out there support one another! Plus if your baby isn't on a sippy cup I think this post is great to save for future reference, but again that is just my opinion!
{Notes on Sippy Cups}
I tried to add links if a reader left one, plus if I haven't heard of a particular sippy cup I went on amazon and found it and listed the link. I hope this helps everyone!
2. One comment stated, "My sister had some sort of stoppers that she put in the lid of the sippy cup so that it didn't just flow out, they actually have to suck on it to get the milk out. Then when they got use to that she took the stopper out." Based on this comment I think that she is talking about the Playtex sippy cups. The one we have has a stopper in it. I just purchased this sippy cup this week based on a twitter comment I received this week too.
3. Tip for transitioning to sippy cup from bottle... go for it COLD TURKEY! I think this is how we are going to have to approach this with Grayson, but I do have another plan that I want to try first. We will see what happens.
4. Born Free Trainer Cups - they have a handle like a sippy cup but a spout that is more like a bottle. This mommy also left the following tip, "We used this cup for probably 6 months or so before we transitioned to a straw cup, but still using the trainer cups in the morning and before bed. In the beginning, we would even tilt him back with the cups as though he was drinking from a bottle. It worked really well for us, even though the Born Free cups have more parts than other sippy cups. It was well worth it to get him off of a bottle. One thing I will say, though, is they have two types of nipples, hard and soft. Stick with the soft, because the hard nipple is free flowing and one was always too fast and two it doesn't have a back-flow valve, so every time it gets tipped over it spills. The soft nipple is slower and doesn't spill.
5. Playtex Insulated Hard Top Sippy Cup
6. BornFree - they have a vent just like a bottle. Actually the sippy lids are interchangeable with the bottle tops and vice versa. They also come with a cap to throw in the diaper bag and removable handles.
7. Start with a soft top sippy cup, then move to a hard top sippy cup, and then a straw sippy cup.
8. Playtex Brand - they have a good stopper in them.
9. Munchkin Soft Tip Sippy Cup
11. ThinkBaby Thinkster - they stated that it is just like the bottle but instead of the nipple it is a straw. She did warn me by saying that it is pretty much spill proof which is a plus, but it is quite a pain to clean.
12. Straw Sippy Cups
13. Break the habit of going to bed with a bottle or sippy cup. My friend Kate sent me some GREAT details on how to do this and I am really excited to give this a try and break this habit all together. Wish me luck!
14. Open Cup - use a small plastic one, fill it a third of the way, and give it to your bibbed toddler at meals. It encourages lip retraction -- when lips have to make a smiley face for words like "hi". Straw sippy cups - They are mostly spill proof, so use them at home or in the car. Benefits: Promotes funneling -- when the tongue stays in the mouth to talk -- and also strengthens cheek and lip muscles.
15. TILTY sippy cups this sippy cup has a tilt inside so that your toddler doesn't have to tilt his/her head back.
16. Nipple Shaped Sippy Parts @ William Sonoma
18. Use the brand of Bottle you used with your infant and see if they have a sippy cup.
19. Avent Sippy Cups