I am so HAPPY today is FRIDAY! It has been a LONG week!
Sorry I haven't blogged in over a week, we have been extremely busy between work and at home. I think that I have said this before, but I will say it again now that Grayson is walking we are BOTH on the go until we go to bed. It is exhausting, but I really LOVE this stage. One of my NEW favorite things is when Grayson runs and hides from us. It is so cute! He gets the BIGGEST smile on his face when I or Chad run after him.
Another new thing in our house is Grayson loves to EAT all by himself. He will not let me feed him at all. Here are a few fun pictures that I took this week.
and finally before I go and get ready for the day...
TODAY GRAYSON is 13 months old!
I am hoping to have his 13 month post up later this afternoon!
Happy Friday!
Another new thing in our house is Grayson loves to EAT all by himself. He will not let me feed him at all. Here are a few fun pictures that I took this week.
and finally before I go and get ready for the day...
TODAY GRAYSON is 13 months old!
I am hoping to have his 13 month post up later this afternoon!
Happy Friday!

1 comment:
Happy 13th month bday baby G! Wow Melissa he is growing up soooo fast I know shhh Summer don't remind ya LOL! He is such a big boy feeding himself it is so funny to watch them at this stage and boy oh boy the messes they make LOL! I love playing hide n seek with Kelcee and when she was little and was just learning it was so fun....I just know ya'll are having a blast with it! No worries on not blogging alot pretty girl you have a full plate and we are here when you have a spare moment which are few and far between when they start movin LOL
love ya girl...ps I got that awesome pic board that matches my living room PERFECT um but I am dingy could you tell me how the stick thingys go hahahahhaha and do you just tape the pics to them....Im all confused LOL
love ya
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