First I would like to say thanks Mom for the beautiful flowers. They sure do brighten my day!

Chad and I have decided to take a break from IVF after some talking and my body needs a rest. It has been through a lot and I am not ready to start a new cycle. Thanks for all your love and support!
Today Chad and I went to Tulsa for our failed IVF consult. I was nervous for the appointment because I was not sure what to expect. I didn't want to hear you can't get pregnant or any other bad news. Well we didn't get bad news we just got the news that we can do another cycle if we would like and they would adjust medicines and try to get more eggs to play with and hopefully have more fertilized embryos. They were happy that I did get pregnant and that was a good sign they just don't have the answers other than the embryos were not as healthy as they would have liked before the transfer. We did not make any decisions on what we would do next. To be completely honest with you my body is hurting right now and I am having hormones changes and the worst stomach cramps. I am sitting at home with a heating pad and taking pain pills to ease the discomfort. I wanted to give everyone an update of our appointment. Thanks again for your continued support and prayers. I am off to go and rest! I hope everyone has a great Friday!

Praying for you sweetie!
I'm so sorry you are in pain. Get lots of rest this weekend and do something just for yourself - pamper yourself.
I'm glad it was good news and that they were hopeful. I'm sure you don't even want to think about starting that process again but it sounds like they feel it could be successful!
I'll keep praying until something happens and you are holding a sweet baby in your arms.
Thank you for updating us. I'm praying you get rest and feel better soon.
Continue to find comfort in others' stories and post your true feelings of how you feel. I believe this blogging has been good therapy for you to vent out what you feel. You are both in my thoughts always. Thank you for taking time to look at new pictures of the boys, I hope it isn't hurting you to see the pictures, I just want you to see them. I love you so much. Amie
You are grieving right now, and I'm sorry. It sounds like the Drs are very hopeful for you and they will know more about how your body responds to the meds this time and adjust them accordingly. I really hope you feel better soon. Hugs. Have you been to "Lost and Found"? its a good way to talk to people in a similar situation and often they can have suggestions that might be helpful xxxx
I just wanted to say I will be praying for you as I too know the agony of waiting. I think I found my way to your blog from Kelly's.
You are in my thoughts and by day, everyday. Thanks for the Tulsa update. Allow yourself the much needed rest this weekend. HUGS!
Hi Melissa, I noticed you are follower of my blog and I found you through sweet Ashley. I just wanted to let you know that your story has touched my heart and I am praying for you and your husband. You stay strong and never give up hope, God reigns and he can do anything. Feel better soon!
Just saw your update. Breaks can be a good thing! My shortest was about a month and my longest was around 4 months. Sometimes, the body and heart need time to heal. It is all so very hard, friend. I found it also gave me time to regroup, spend some time NOT thinking about the procedures and be less stressed out when together with my spouse. You have been on my heart and mind so much, Melissa. I want you to know that. HUGS!
I am here for you and love you. Look forward to seeing next week.
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