I can't believe that today you are 1 month old. It has gone by way to FAST. I was just looking through pictures from the day you were born and you have changed so much. You don't even look like the same baby.
At your last appointment you weighed 6 pounds 14 ounces you are still our little peanut, but I think that you are over 7 pounds now. We will see at your next appointment.
You are starting to get your days and nights straight and seem to be sleeping better at night. This makes for a happy Mommy!
You are breastfeeding like a champ! We still need to work on getting you not to breastfeed to fall asleep. Mommy is working on getting you to take a pacifier to help with falling asleep. Some days it works great and other days you HATE the pacifier.
You are starting to look around at your surroundings and seem so curious. I love watching you. I especially love it when you smile at me. I think you know who your mommy is...
You attended your first birthday party at the beginning of June for Miss Avery she turned 1!
You love to be swaddled tightly with your arms out because you sleep with your hands by your face.
The nap nanny is your favorite thing to take naps in. If I put you in the pack n play or your crib you wake up instantly.
You enjoy baths now that we can put you in the water. Mommy loves how you smell right after your bath.
You are wearing newborn diapers.
You are still wearing preemie and newborn clothing. You have a few 0-3 month onesies that fit.
You are wearing 0-7 pound pj's each night. You prefer the gowns vs the footy pj's. It is funny if I put you in footy pj's your feet never stay where they are suppose too.
You are wearing 0-7 pound pj's each night. You prefer the gowns vs the footy pj's. It is funny if I put you in footy pj's your feet never stay where they are suppose too.
You still like the car seat and riding in the car, but if you are upset you hate it!
You take one long nap(3 to 4 hours) during the day and three other shorter naps(1 hour) throughout the day. In the evening we have been blessed to have you sleep most nights up to 3 to 4 hours. There are some nights that you wake up every 2 hours.
Mommy and Daddy could hold you all day and just look at you. When you are sleeping I just want to scoop you up and hold you in my arms and watch you sleep.
Happy One Month Birthday Grayson...Mommy and Daddy Love You!