Our Monday was a little like this...
It was our first Monday together just Grayson and I without family with us. We had a lunch date planned and we had to cancel as we could not get ready and out of the house on time. Sorry Kristi and Grayson, we will see you next week. We did manage to run a few errands later in the afternoon. I have found that Grayson is the best during the hours from 1PM-5PM. If I let him sleep he would sleep the entire time. But I am really trying to wake him up more during the day so he will sleep longer during the nights. I think he has his days and nights mixed up. I am exclusively breastfeeding Grayson and starting this week I am going to attempt to start pumping as I go back to work in two weeks. Wish me luck! I hope it continues to go well!
Our Tuesday plans for Grayson and I are to just snuggle and love on eachother. I am so looking forward to it.
So how was your Monday?