Peaceful Monday! I love them! Grayson and I have had a great day today.
I have finally figured out a few things. First Grayson is only fussy if something upsets him. Last week he cried on one particular day every time after we finished eating and I could not figure out why? Then the next day he would eat, play, and fall asleep with no issues. So I thought about what I eat the day before and it occurred to me that I did have a glass of orange juice, which I normally don't have. So I have decided that the orange juice did upset his no more orange juice for me. Then yesterday G was fussy all late afternoon and evening. I figured it was something that I eat again and at lunch time I had some spicy pasta. So no more spicy food for me. I hate when Grayson gets upset. The sad part is that I started pumping last Thursday and yesterday I pumped a lot of milk for Grayson and guess what I dumped it. I was afraid that if he drank it it would upset his stomach and it is not fun having a fussy baby. After doing a few GOOGLE searches on breastfeeding I have learned that chocolate also can upset a baby's stomach... oh no! I love chocolate! So for a few weeks I am going to try to eliminate chocolate from my diet. Grayson has been gassy and I think this might be why. We will see...
I guess this mommy thing and breastfeeding is trial and error. But I do wish someone would have shared these little details with me. It would have saved me a few times. I wish I would had read a breastfeeding book before having Grayson. Now it is too late I don't have time to read a book. GOOGLE has become my best friend. Plus my iPhone is my best friend during the late night feedings I am able to GOOGLE, Facebook, Tweet, and catch up on blogs. So any expecting mommy's I recommend reading a breastfeeding if you plan to breastfeed. I have a few other recommendations, but I will do a separate blog post on that subject.
Grayson has been so alert over the past few days... he loves looking at his hands, lights, and any bright colors. He is enjoying his bouncy seat more and will sit in it for awhile before he gets upset. I took these photos of him this morning in his bouncy seat.
Just a side note: I wish we could get our groceries delivered to our house from Walmart. Grayson and I went to Walmart this afternoon and he did great, but it stresses me out the entire time. I always think that he is going to have a melt down and what do I do with a basket full of groceries? I don't want Grayson crying the entire time. So along with a drive thru Post Office I think it would be great to have Walmart deliver groceries.
Don't you?
Don't you?