Sorry I have been MIA lately. I have been busy with little G. I am enjoying every moment and find it difficult to find time to blog, but I do know that you understand. Even though I do miss writing and capturing what is taking place with us each day I love spending every waking moment with Grayson. Grayson will be 4 weeks tomorrow and we have had a busy 4 weeks with family and friends. Grayson is already a blessed baby. He has met both sides of the family and most of our friends in Arkansas. The four weeks with Grayson have gone by WAY to FAST! In fact I need to be better at taking pictures of Grayson each day he is changing so much. I take a lot of pictures of Grayson with my phone as I always have it with me. Plus our parents have requested a photo of Grayson each day so we try our best to send a text each day. But I need to capture more photos of him on our camera. Here is a picture of Grayson that I took yesterday. He is growing and that makes this mommy happy :)
In fact this picture was taken shortly after he finished eating. I love how he has his arm behind his head when he is sleeping. He always has his hands by his face when he is sleeping.
Isn't it AMAZING?
That this little bundle of joy laying on my belly was once inside my belly. Every time I look at this picture I think about the nine months Grayson spent in my belly growing. It reminds me of all the movements, hiccups, and kicks he made while in my belly. Some days I miss that special bond we had together. But the one thing I do love is when Grayson falls asleep on my belly and we snuggle for hours. So as I cherished every moment Grayson was in my belly I am now cherishing every moment I have with him outside my belly.
Have a great week blogging friends and family!
Love Melissa and Grayson!