Today it is my mom's birthday!
Grayson sends you a big kiss and a hug to you Grandma on your birthday!
I love my mom she is beautiful on the inside and the outside!
We were blessed to have my mom here with us shortly after Grayson was born. My mom lives in Montana and due to the long distance drive to Arkansas she was not able to be with us for Grayson's delivery, but she joined us 6 days later and spent 8 days with us and we appreciate all the love and support she gave to us during her visit. These photos were taken when she was here visiting.
Happy Birthday Mom and Grandma! Grayson and I made a video for you today. It is short because he was starting to get upset plus we were going to take more photos, but then he cried for awhile so I fed him and now he is sleeping. So now I have a free moment and wanted to get this posted before the little man wakes up. We will try for more pictures later.
Happy Birthday Mom/Grandma!
Chad, Grayson, and I love you to the moon and back. I hope you have a great day and that all your birthday wishes come true. See you soon!
(The noise in the background is Grayson's bouncey seat!)