Being a Mommy is wonderful!

Over the past month I have learned so much about being a Mommy and some of the things I had no idea would take place:
like the first time Grayson peed on me
the first time I had poop all over me
the amount and length you bleed after having a baby
the time it take for you to heal after having a baby
the time it takes to breastfeed and once we are done we start over again just a few hours later
the amount of time I have spent at home and not leaving my house for days
how fast the days go by
the first time running errands on my own and what use to be a quick trip into the post office turns into a much longer trip because I can't just get out of the car and run in I have to get Grayson out of the car too. Someone needs to make a drive thru for the post office. I have to go there today to mail our birth announcements
the first time you have to cancel or change plans with friends because I was not ready for the day because my morning didn't go as planned
the times Grayson has peed all over his outfit and we are not home and we didn't bring a change of clothes. Because of this I have learned to always bring a change of clothes and a extra blanket
the first time you have to breastfeed in the car because Grayson is having a meltdown
the times you have plans to get a lot done around the house, but nothing gets done
the times I have stayed in bed until noon because all Grayson wanted to do was eat
I guess that this is what being a Mommy is all about!
Love it!