Play Time with G
It is so exciting to me to see Grayson alert and looking around when he is awake. We have started playing with his play mat this week and I think he likes looking at all the colors. It doesn't last long, but I love just staring at him when he is playing.
Breastfeeding update:
So I have eliminated spicy food, orange juice, and chocolate over the past two days and it seems to be helping. He is less fussy and gassy. As for Mommy the chocolate break is TOUGH. I think about chocolate and how much I want it. I usually have a glass of chocolate milk every morning and chocolate at least once a day if not more. So lets just say I have had a headache the past 2 days, but IT IS TOTALLY WORTH IT! I am hoping by Friday I will feel better and no more headaches.
Plus I have started some news things with Grayson during the day! Eat, Wake, Sleep. I read Baby Wise before Grayson was born and have a few friends that used this strategy so we are going to give it a try. After each nap I start by changing his diaper, then I feed him, next I change his diaper again (if needed), then we play and stay awake for at least 30 minutes, and finally I rock him to sleep. I am hoping this will put him more on a schedule and he will sleep longer at night. We will see...
Because last night Grayson was up from 10PM-1AM...that was not fun for mommy! Plus last night I was on my own Chad slept in the guest room so he could get a WELL DESERVED full night of sleep.
Plus for any new mommy's or mommy's to be we have the NAP NANNY and Grayson loves it! He takes his naps in this (I put it in his crib) and at night I put it in the pack n play. The other thing we do for sleeping is a dark room and music that sounds like the womb. It has worked for us and Grayson sleeps great, now if we could just make the night time sleep longer all would be perfect. :)
Any other suggestions please leave me a comment. All of you were helpful with breastfeeding and I have enjoyed reading your thoughts.