Grayson all ready for work!
Yesterday was my 1st day back to work! I am a lucky girl because I get to bring Grayson to the office with me or stay at home and work. The challenging part is finding a balance to do it all. Let me tell you it is tough! Yesterday was a bit overwhelming! I am not sure if it felt that way because I have a lot to do to get caught up or the lack of sleep. I hope once I get caught up and in a routine with work and Grayson I will feel better. I have a few mommy friends that work from home that I am going to speak with to see if they have any tricks or secrets they want to share with me. The hard part for me is when the phone rings and Grayson is crying what do I do? This hasn't happened yet, but I know it will. Do I pick up the call or call the person back? Plus yesterday when we were at the office I didn't feel like I had everything I needed for Grayson. I forgot to bring several blankets and I forgot to bring another swaddle blanket because Grayson ended up peeing all over his swaddle blanket and clothes (I did have a change of clothes...yeah ME!) It was interesting put Grayson to sleep at my office we have some what of a routine at home and I usually put him in his room where it is dark with music to take his naps. At the office I ended up putting him in his Nap Nanny in my office with the room somewhat dark and I played his music through my iPhone. He did GREAT which surprised me! I thought he would get upset and not nap, but I was wrong.
Now if I could only get in a routine with Grayson and work I would feel better. As for me the tough part is the lack of sleep I am getting over the past two days. Usually in the AM if Grayson goes back to sleep I would join him, however this is not the case anymore I have to get up and start my day. Plus I am struggling to get a night time routine down with Grayson. I feel like we are changing it up every day based on how he is doing each day. I feel at the end of the day I am in survival mode and doing whatever will make Grayson happy and each day it is different. So what do I do to get a schedule down and stick to it? Or is it too early?(he is only 6 weeks old).
See this picture!
So all of you know that Grayson does not take the paci for me. He takes it for Chad, anyone else that holds him, and in the car. But yesterday at the office he took the paci several times throughout the day from me, but as soon as we got home and I tried it he would not take it! What is the deal? I think he must know we are home and it is his security... I don't know. But I did think it was FUNNY!
Thanks to all the tweets, facebook messages, and emails over the past two days wishing me the best as I start work again. You are all too sweet! Now back to work!