Thanks to my loving husband I got to get out of the house and get a pedicure and manicure! It was wonderful and I needed it... the last pedicure and manicure I had was a few days before Grayson was born. I missed Grayson, but it was nice to do something for myself. I think all mommy's need a mommy day or at least a few hours to themselves. Next mommy day will be to get my haircut. See you soon Julee! I was gone for three hours and I only texted twice and called once. Grayson was WONDERFUL for his daddy! He slept, eat, played, and is still sleeping as I write this post. Chad sent me a few pictures of there afternoon together.
Just woke up! Don't you love the onesie?
Look who is sucking on a pacifier...he won't do that for me!
Just finished eating that was yummy!
It was a special treat and thanks Chad for letting me have some me time!
We are off to a graduation party have a great Saturday night!