Friday with G
We had plans to have lunch with some sweet and fun girls, but we had to cancel because this Mommy was tired. Why was I tired because Grayson was up all night! It was nice that the girls understood why I had to cancel. Thanks girls :)
Grayson finally sleeping after a rough night of no sleep
(picture taken with my iPhone)
So needless to say once Grayson did fall asleep at 7AM I slept too. I woke up around 10AM, I needed to sleep. I had time to eat some breakfast and do things around the house. Then he was up a little after 11AM and my schedule of Babywise started. I fed him, changed his diaper, and we played. I ended up rocking him a bit before he fell asleep and then I put him in his crib. He slept for 2 hours! YEAH! He then woke up a bit after 3PM, I fed him, changed his diaper, and we played. I again rocked him until he was about to fall asleep and put him in the crib. It seems to be working. Hopefully this will continue. If we can only figure out the night times so both Mommy and Daddy can sleep.
So I haven't been out of the house since Monday, I have a little case of CABIN FEVER so tonight Chad is taking us out for dinner. Tomorrow I have a "Mommy Day" I am getting my haircut and I have a few errands to run. I wonder what Daddy and Grayson will do while Mommy is away! I know that they will have FUN!
Here are a few pictures of Grayson bouncing in his bouncey seat today! I put him in front of the window.
Have a great weekend!