(17/365 Project)
this is how pictures started, it is getting difficult to do these monthly pictures in Grayson's chair. We might have to get daddy's help next time.
How can it be that today Grayson you are 8 months old...
we love you to the moon and back...
It seems you are changing and doing new things every day. The biggest new thing that you have learned is moving backwards on your belly or backwards crawling. You haven't mastered the moving forward.
You like to pull yourself up on your toy bins, toys, and when I sit you in our bar stools you like to pull up and look over the side of it...usually looking for Bella.
You put EVERYTHING in your mouth...
You spit and blow bubbles all the time. It is cute, but when you are eating and you spit out your food that is not cute!
You are saying Dada and Mama and all sorts of different sounds when you are playing with your toys, playing in your crib in morning and after naps, and in the car when we are driving around.
You are picking up toys out of your toy bins and playing with them...mommy thinks it is so cute watching you with your toys. You have such a curious mind.
You LOVE watching TV. When you are in your jumperoo I turn on the TV and you just stare at it and laugh.
You went to the doctor a lot this past month for two ear infections, you had a fever virus, and you got your final round of the flu shot.
You still get up at least two times during the night.
You are still drinking breastmilk, but last week mommy started giving you formula during one feeding a day because my supply is dropping, but I am happy that we were able to make it this long on breastmilk.
You love to drink from water bottles, every time mommy or daddy have a water bottle in our hands you want it and you want a drink too.
I think you weigh at least 17 pounds or more. You are getting heavy to carry around. Especially when I have to bounce you to go to sleep.
You wear size 6 month PJ's
You still are not a GREAT napper at daycare, but your teachers are great and they continue to work with you. I am just glad that you are a happy baby and love playing. You get SO excited when we are walking into school.
It was a month full of holidays and he enjoyed spending our 1st Christmas together at home and New Year's Eve and Day too. It was great to see you with all the gifts and you loved the paper and bows the most!
It was a month full of holidays and he enjoyed spending our 1st Christmas together at home and New Year's Eve and Day too. It was great to see you with all the gifts and you loved the paper and bows the most!
Grayson one of my favorite parts of our day together is going into your nursery in the morning or after a nap and you smile real BIG and wiggle around with excitement because you see me.
I love it!
I love it!