Back to School for Grayson today! He has been out of school since December 23rd 2010 because of the holidays and second because of the fever virus he had last week. I was sad to see him go to school today and I was worried that he would not have a good day, but he had a great day! He slept for 40 minutes in the swing at school which is great because he typically does not nap at school. He is still not eating his normal amount of food at each feeding, but we are hoping it continues to improve each day. Chad and I spent the day taking down our Christmas decorations and getting our house back to normal. It now looks so bare in our house, but I am glad that our Christmas is put away.
Here is a picture I took before we left school today he is trying to grab for my phone. Love my sweet little G's smile!
If you look close you can see his two front teeth (maybe)!
Day 3/365 Project
Day 3/365 Project