It was a busy day for Grayson we had his 8 Month Pictures and a Birthday Party at Little Gym to go too. He was a happy boy for the photo session and he was really interested in the grass and everything that was on the ground. Jenny did great and I can't wait to see the photos from this session because we brought Bella with us to get a family picture. I hope at least one picture turned out. It is hard to get a dog and a baby at the same time to look at the camera.
Here is Grayson just before we left the location where we took pictures today. He was so sweet in this picture.
Later that afternoon we headed to Little Gym for a birthday party. I can't wait until Grayson can run around and play with all his friends. He did enjoy playing on the mats and a big circle mat too.
(29/365 Project)
It was a great party and the busy day wore Grayson out he has been sleeping since 6PM.
I love the weekends, but THEY GO BY WAY TO FAST!