Things that make me smile:
1. Getting home and our dog Bella is excited to see me
2. Getting flowers from Chad... I love the tulips he got me on Thursday
3. Shopping for new purses or shoes.. which is what we did today, however no luck but last weekend in Tulsa I got the cutest Steve Madden shoes... check them out

4. Seeing new pictures of my nephew Aidan he is getting so Big - he is Now 3 Years Old
5. Seeing our friends Kim and Brad Fisher and their adorable girls Kendall and Kelsey. We had dinner with them tonight and it was great to play with them and see their smiling faces
6. Eating Brownies with Chocolate Icing... always makes me smile... yes tonight we had brownies for dessert
7. When my husband opens the car door for me... what a gentleman
8. Watching Reality TV shows that allow me to escape from my life... today I indulged in The Millionaire Matchmaker and The Real Housewives of New York City
9. Snuggling on the couch with Chad and watching Sunday night shows.. I am looking forward to tomorrow night... plus Chad is cooking and cleaning dinner that really makes me smile
10. A warm day makes me smile because I can take a walk and enjoy the sun... I hope that we get some warm days next week
What makes you smile? I believe smiling is a great quality and can make a huge difference in a day. Take some time and smile :)
I know I have a lot to smile about!

Hi Melissa! I love your list, they all make me smile too. :)
Tulips are my very favorite flowers too!
What makes me smile the most right now is hearing our little boy Greyson talk to his little sister through my belly! :)
My dog when she comes to sit by me and leans on me- like she's saying "I'm here and hugging you."
I also love this time of year in general-when the sun is shining, new life is springing up in the flowers/tree branches/baby birds....
Thanks for sharing your smiles :)
I added some smiles to my page too!! Thanks for sharing the fun! I loved reading yours!! I like the one where Chad gave you flowers- that is the BEST!!! HUGS!
The smell of an ocean breeze, thoughts of my amazing God, the first signs of spring after a bitter cold winter, an ice cold Diet Pepsi, a clean house (ha! I am still waiting on that smile), when my girls tell me they love me a "zillion big times," a lazy sunday afternoon at home with my family, my morning coffee, when my husband cooks, shoe shopping (me too!), collecting cool fabrics, hearing David Crowder sing All Creatures (I LOVE the song and even his goofy beard/hair combo, lol--the guy is a music genius!), a great book, my crazy dogs, when I get my hair done....
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