Saturday evening our great friends Alex and Anthony Soto invited Chad and I to the American Heart Association Charity Event at the Embassy Suites in Rogers. It was great to dress up and get fancy with our friends. The charity event was a hit, they had great auction items and the dessert was wonderful. They had chocolate covered strawberries and petit fours... YUMMY!
Chad and I had to depart early from the event because the next day was the Big Race Day.
Thanks again to the Soto family for the invite!
Sunday our morning started at 5AM as we had to get up to prepare for the first shot of our many shots for IVF. I was a bundle of nerves as Chad got everything ready. We didn't take any pictures as at 5AM I was not thinking about taking a picture. The shot was not too bad it burned a bit and I felt dizzy and naused all day, but that is one of the side effects. Plus I will take it if I get the end result of getting pregnant. Sunday evening I gave myself the shot and it went much better. So for this round of shots for the next week I am planning on giving it to myself. I am actually proud of myself that I am able to do this... as I am not a fan of needles or blood.

Now for the best news... Chad finished the Hogeye Half Marathon in 1 hour and 44 minutes. I was so proud of him. The run was in Fayetteville and it had around 8 BIG hills that he had to deal with, plus it was around 45 degrees and very windy. After the race Chad was very tired and his legs were aching, but he was very HAPPY with his results. Sunday afternoon Chad was able to enjoy a one hour massage at Accents. It was heaven for him and much needed... plus I didn't have to do any massaging. Until next year the training is done... which makes me very HAPPY!
I hope everyone enjoys our short version of our busy weekend! Thanks to all your support on the shots. I appreciate your kind and caring comments.

Great Pictures of the charity event and Chad at his race. Thanks for allowing all of us to see what you do on the weekends. I am glad that you are able to express through the blog your thoughts and feelings. It is about you and Chad and being happy about your life. Take care and talk to you soon. Love to you both.
Looks like you guys had a wonderful weekend! First the flowers are beautiful, you have a great hubby! ;) I hate the shots made you feel yuck all day, but remember- the end result is what counts! You say a little prayer each time before you take them, and God will bless you, promise! Congrats to Chad on a great run! I thought about you Sunday and my Chad and I were saying how you were probably freezing!!!! ;( Glad everything went well, talk soon!
I love your dress at the event! So cute!
Proud of you for giving yourself shots and Chad for running the hogeye.
Hope you don't have many side effects - and I'm praying it's all worth it very soon!
Yea! First shots are over! Make sure you let the skin dry after the alcohol swab to prevent burning. Good luck!
You go girl giving your own shots! I am sooooo proud of you!!! BIG HUGS! Praying for you during this week of IVF induction, retrieval, transfer, and hoping with more praying!
I am so proud of you and so impressed that you are giving yourself the shots. That is huge. You are so brave. We love you.
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