Wishing and hoping and thinking and praying
Planning and dreaming, each night, of her charms
Planning and dreaming, each night, of her charms
That won't get you into her arms
That won't get you into her arms
So if I am looking to find love
So if I
I can share
I can share
All I gotta do is hold her and love her and show her that I care
All I gotta do is hold her and love her and show her that I care
All I gotta do is hold her and love her and show her that I care
And Wishing and hoping and thinking and praying
Truly that is all that is left, wishing and hoping and thinking and praying that I am able to get pregnant. It is in the hands of Dr. Prough and Dr. Blackwell and faith that God will give me my miracle. Thanks for all your loving support and kind words. I greatly appreciate it!
One prayer request for my sister Amie, baby Hansen is due in 18 days and the baby's kidney is still dilated and for now they have to wait until the baby is due to do further testing. As you know this has brought extremely stress and anxiety to Amie and she could use a few prayers to help her get through the final days of her pregnancy. Amie my heart goes out to you and we love you! Take care of yourself and baby Drew!

Oh thank you so much for the sweet words. Don't you begin to worry about myself. I just had a down day yesterday and you just need to think of yourself and stay positive. I love you and you are the best, love the post today. Take care and call me if you need me. Look forward to seeing you both very soon.
Thinking of Amie and will keep her baby in my prayers. HUGS!
Melissa, I just pulled out my old IVF journal (before blogging existed), and I had my transfer on 4/9/01. It was our third IVF attempt. I knew I had our transfer around this time, like you, and it bothered me that I couldn't remember the details. I used to eat, sleep, and breathe the infertility details. NO lie--my RE offered me a job after I had my first child. I declined the offer, but I had my IVF protocol entrenched in my brain and body during those years I could have written a text, as many women in similar shoes can relate. I would be so emotionally drained being an IVF coordinator--that journey was just to close to do it as a "job." But I was honored to be offered and I think it is one of those jobs that is critical in offering support, encouragement. Those days were so hard, but He carries you....He will. :o)
Anyway, the most wonderful thing was that we transferred our only two surviving embryo babies (the only two we had in three IVF cycles), and we were told one was average quality and the other probably would not embed. Let me just share, I became the proud mother of that "average quality embryo" baby, and my gosh(!) if she isn't the most strong willed, academically advanced, little 7-year old pistol. God is good! She is far from the BLAH news they gave me... now looking back. :o)
I find my mind wandering to you and keeping you very close in my heart this week. Prayers are your's! Do something extra special for yourself today and here----> (((((((a hug))))))) from me!
Thinking and praying for you and your sister today!!!
You are in my daily thoughts I love you.. Hope to see you soon...
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