Happy Saturday! Today is going to be a great day! We have a busy Saturday planned, but I am excited for this day! First up a 1st Birthday Party for HARPER! Happy Birthday Harper! Second we have a second party this afternoon for our friends daughter who is turning 4. Happy Birthday Emma! Lastly Chad and I are spending the evening with a few of our friends we are having a group date night.
Outback and Avatar...should be a great date!
So has anyone seen this movie?
Also thank you for all the baby advise! I loved reading all the comments and I have made a few decisions for Baby Grayson. Our bedding is ordered and I am so happy with what we decided! Have a great Saturday!

Happy Saturday to you as well! Enjoy your day and movie!!! Happy Birthday to Harper and Emma! Love to you always. Talk to you soon.
Have a good day sweetheart! Give Harper a great big 'Happy Birthday' from me!!!!! can't wait to see pics!!
Love ya-
Saw it last night and thought it was great! By the way...love the name Grayson!!
Sounds like you all are going to have a wonderful day! Crazy to think but you will be celebrating a 1st birthday for Grayson before you know it!
Hope you have a Great Day! I haven't seen Avatar yet but heard it's good and I want too!
I can't wait to see pics of the bedding you decided on! You will have to show us a peak!
Summer :0)
Congrats on Baby Grayson! :) Found your blog through Kelly's. Avatar was a pretty good movie! The special effects were amazing. If at all, try and see it in 3d! That was pretty cool! Have fun and God Bless!
HAPPY SATURDAY!! I can't believe Harper is 1 already!!! It flies!! Just wait until Grayson is here, you have to cherish each moment! I loved Avatar! If he would have left out the 15ish curse words it would have been EVEN BETTER!
Love kids birthday parties. We are still celebrating Christopher's 19th. LOL We saw Avatar and love the graphics and but not the message. :( I would not watch it again.
Happy Saturday! We saw Avatar in 3-D and it was AMAZING! Hopefully you are seeing it in 3-D... I am sure it is great eiher way though, really cool movie!
YAY for Harpers BDAY! It was so much fun & I am so glad I got to see you & Grayson, hehe! ;)
Avatar is good! Have fun & see you tomorrow!
I haven't seen Avatar but I am thinking maybe I want to since I have heard so much about it. I had a great day too! Went to NY City and saw Rock of Ages! and met some of the cast.
Thank you SO much for coming today!!! I loved seeing you and you looked BEAUTIFUL! And we will celebrate Grayson's b-day before you know it!!!
LOVE the name choice! Was it your favorite or Chad's? Just curious how you came to an agreement. I love it, by the way!
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