Real Moments Are Unforgettable
Like when your husband comes home three weeks ago to tell you that there is a chance that he is going to lose his position at Walmart after 21 years with the company
When it does happen, yes it did happen after 21 years with Walmart Chad has been displaced from his position and is actively looking for a job within the company
Don't worry we are blessed that Chad has been given the opportunity to look for a job while still getting paid until April 2010. But...
It is real!
Then being faced with the fact that Chad's dad is very sick and currently in the hospital
It is real!
Facing the fact that he could lose his father in a matter of days
It is real!
Seeing your husband cry over the entire situation
It is real!
Sitting at home while your husband is dealing with sadness and stress, but not physically being with him
It is real!
Life Moments are real and are a true test of faith...but I am holding onto faith that these life moments will all work out and I will be a stronger person after all these trials.
It is real!
God is real!
Having faith and believing is all I can do!
Chad's dad will be in surgery at 5PM today to have his surgery please keep him in your prayers!
Chad if you read this I love you!